Peacocks (Licking Thicket #5) Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Licking Thicket Series by Lucy Lennox

Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 42882 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 214(@200wpm)___ 172(@250wpm)___ 143(@300wpm)

Friends who spent all their free time together because, at least in my case, there was no one in the world I’d rather spend time with, and everything felt right and easy when I was with him, and…

I sucked in a breath.

Oh my God, Jaybird Proud was my sweetheart.

How the hell had that happened?

My mind immediately tried to reject the idea. If my last relationship had taught me anything, it was that I didn’t know shit about relationships. I didn’t know how to be emotionally available. I didn’t know how to do romance. It had taken Chad just a couple of weeks after our breakup to find himself someone better. It was only a matter of time until Jay figured this out.

But at the same time… now that I’d acknowledged them to myself, I found I couldn’t deny my feelings for Jay.

My Entwinin’ feelings.

I wanted Jay to know how amazing and special he was…

But how could I tell him without, you know, telling him?

“Lane?” Charlie waved a hand in front of my face. “Hey, Lane?”

“Huh?” I glanced up blankly.

“Great.” Charlie lifted his hands and let them flop at his sides. “We broke him.”

“We? This conversation was your idea,” Hunter pointed out.

Charlie lifted his chin. “You’re my fiancé. My ideas are our ideas.”

Hunter laughed and tugged on Charlie’s hair. “Sure they are, baby. I’ll remember this when I have an idea tonight. Hey, Lane? Is everything alright?”

“Yeah. No, yeah, I’m great. I just, uh…” My cheeks burned. “Do people ever make Entwinin’ wreaths in secret? Like from a secret admirer?” I asked, trying to be vague and generalized.

Hunter pierced me with a look. “If you’re making a wreath for Jaybird Proud, you’d better give it to him in person.”

“Jay? Who said anything about… Why would I make a wreath for Jay? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Hunter and Charlie exchanged a look before Charlie set down his garlic press, moved around the island, and perched on the stool next to me. “You probably don’t know this, but when you talk about Jay, the tips of your ears turn red, and your eyelashes do a strange, fluttery thing.”

Hunter snorted, and Charlie muttered an affectionate curse at him before focusing back on me. “It’s actually very sweet. I can’t think of a more deserving person than Jaybird Proud, nor can I think of a kinder man to set you up with.”

“W-we’re not dating,” I stammered, concentrating on keeping my eyelashes still. “Exactly.”

“Fine,” Charlie said with an eye roll. “But consider making him a wreath anyway.”

Hunter added, “Jay’s made hundreds of wreaths for others over the years, but I’m not sure he’s actually ever received one.”

My eyes snapped over to his. “Never?”

I remembered Jay saying he’d never made a wreath for a sweetheart, but it seemed unbelievable that no one had ever made one for him. Jay was the most generous man in town. The kindest man I’d ever met. He was beautiful inside and out.

“So he’s never had a… like a…” I tried to say the word boyfriend, but the very idea of him dating someone made the coffee in my stomach turn sour.

“No,” Hunter said with a knowing grin. “At least, not that I know of or that the town’s known of. Not for lack of setups, though. He’s a prime target for the town matchmakers, poor guy.”

Charlie looked at Hunter. “Did the two of you ever…?”

My stomach dropped when Hunter bounced his eyebrows back at Charlie. “Bow chicka bow wow,” he sang, rotating his hips. “Where to begin with me and Jay? Let’s see…” He put his fingertip on his chin and pursed his lips.

I tried to imagine that finger or those lips on Jay—my Jay—and the idea made me sick.

“You’re upsetting Lane,” Charlie warned with a growl.

“Ah, it’s Lane who’s upset. Riiiight.” Hunter turned to wink at me. “No, Jay and I never did anything. Correction, we went out for a beer one time, but we ended up mediating a fight between Hux and Kev. I believe it was in regards to pilfered apples, although they seemed to be magical, video game apples… which was a bit confusing and required quite a bit of detailed explanation. Before I knew it, I was knee-deep in harvesting pixelated virility gourds.” He shuddered. “I ended up having to do a six-week detox course just to stop caring about my homestead and orchards.”

Charlie muttered, “Don’t get him started talking about Horn of Glory, or poor Tammy Wynette will die of old age before you get a chance to give her a follow-up visit.”

Hunter shot him a look. “I’m clean. One thousand days HOG sober. And don’t worry. Jay didn’t take to the video game like I did.”

“So you never hooked up with Jay?” I asked, just for clarification’s sake.

“No. Never.” He tilted his head. “Have you?”

I let out a breath. “Yes. We… we’re hooking up.”

