Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 42882 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 214(@200wpm)___ 172(@250wpm)___ 143(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 42882 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 214(@200wpm)___ 172(@250wpm)___ 143(@300wpm)
“You don’t say,” Charlie said in a dry voice.
“And… and I think I want it to be more than that,” I went on in a whisper. The realization made my heart beat like hummingbird wings. “It’s just… I suck at relationships. After my last breakup, I swore I was never going to do that again. At least, not anytime soon. And here I am, wanting more with Jay…”
“Jay’s a good man,” Hunter said. “One of the best.”
“I know. He’s always there to lend a hand. And the man would rather die than ever let you pay him back. He’s… he’s amazing. But that doesn’t mean I know how to be a good boyfriend.”
Charlie slid an arm around Hunter’s waist and leaned against his side. “Actually, Lane… you’d be surprised. Finding the right guy sometimes makes all the difference.”
Hunter pressed a kiss to Charlie’s head. “Agreed. Relationships require two people caring enough to make them work. When they end, it’s never just one person’s fault.”
I took a breath and considered this. When Chad had blamed me, I’d believed him because he was right—I hadn’t been as invested in our relationship as I should have been. But I couldn’t imagine not caring about Jay’s happiness. The man had fascinated me from the beginning, even when I’d been mistrusting and befuddled by his kindness.
“But… what if I tell Jay I want more, and it doesn’t work out? Everyone in town will know. It’ll be awkward as fuck.”
Charlie nodded. “The small-town thing’s hard to get used to.”
“Actually, it’s the opposite. Athens is a small place, too. Everyone knew everything about Chad and me, which was why I wanted to move away after our breakup and his marriage. I want to be with Jay, but I don’t want everyone else’s business in my business about it.”
Charlie shook his head. “That’s not really an option here, I’m afraid. Less than forty-eight hours after Hunter and I went official, people started getting involved. Someone—my money’s on Hunter’s sister—anonymously dropped off a congratulatory lube basket… which is exactly what it sounds like, by the way.”
A snicker burbled out of me, and I clapped my hand over my mouth.
“At least the lube was useful and, like you said, anonymous.” Hunter’s tone was aggrieved. “Unlike your grandfather cornering me outside the Tavern to discuss ‘a Nutter man’s unique needs’ and make sure I’d be ‘a good provider.’ Don’t you dare laugh, Charlton. I was afraid he’d offer me a demonstration.”
Laughing, Charlie buried his face in Hunter’s chest. “I know, baby. I know. It was awful… but also kinda sweet. Meddling comes with the territory around here, I’m afraid.”
I groaned. “So you’re telling me I need to bite the bullet? Just… wreath him in front of the whole town and tell him flat out that I’ve developed real feelings for him? We haven’t even been on a date.”
Hunter shrugged. “You could always tell him with tots first. It’s the time-honored tradition here, after all.”
I glanced back and forth between them, wondering what the fuck they were talking about. “Tots? As in… children?”
“Nope. As in taters. Shredded potatoes.” Hunter settled himself on a stool while Charlie went back to pressing garlic into the giant pot of spaghetti sauce he was making. Hunter’s voice was no longer teasing, and I could tell he wanted to help. “See, we have a date restaurant here,” he began. “You might say it’s the romance capital of the Thicket. And if you take your honey to the Steak n’ Bait—”
“No.” I glanced between them. “The Steak n’ Bait? Come on.”
“You live in a town that celebrates the Lickin’, the Bobbin’, the Gobblin’, and the Entwinin’, Lane.” Charlie tapped the side of his spoon against his pot of sauce. “Of course it’s called the Steak n’ Bait.”
Well, when he put it like that…
“At the Steak n’ Bait,” Hunter continued, “they serve a famous dish of tater tots all done up with toppings. It’s to die for. But back in the day, before they got their auto-shredder, it took a while for them to make ‘em. It became a tradition that you’d only order tots when you were with someone you didn’t mind spending all that time with.” He grinned. “Folks started saying stuff like, ‘Now, that’s a guy I wouldn’t mind waitin’ on tots with.’”
Charlie nodded. “It kinda took on a life of its own, like most things in the Thicket do, and became a symbol of love and commitment. It means you’re on an important date… or you’re proposing marriage.”
“Tater tots?” I asked, just to be sure. “Are a symbol of love and commitment?”
He nodded slowly. “You can’t explain small-town traditions, Lane. You just have to live them.”
“I… see.”
“Jaybird Proud is an integral part of this town,” Hunter pointed out. “He’s lived here his whole life, and he speaks in the language of the Thicket. If you want to confess heartfelt feelings in a way he’ll really understand… do it with tots and twinin’.”