Peacocks (Licking Thicket #5) Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Licking Thicket Series by Lucy Lennox

Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 42882 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 214(@200wpm)___ 172(@250wpm)___ 143(@300wpm)

He’d chattered at me for a while—some story about them giving away the cake on a two-for-one special, so it would have been wrong not to take both pieces but also wrong to eat both pieces, and would I mind solving this ethical dilemma for him?—while I’d sat silently beside him on the steps, shoving cake into my mouth and feeling a little less bone-weary.

Then, a month or so ago, Jay had stopped by the clinic to warn me there was a snowstorm coming and not to work too late. I remembered he’d been dressed up—black slacks and a crisp white button-down shirt, topped with a brown dress coat instead of his usual blue parka.

“Why you so fancy today, Jaybird?” Alva had asked.

He’d frowned. “Mrs. Herring needed a ride to the funeral home. I didn’t expect they’d appreciate my showing up in blue jeans.”

“I’m sorry,” I’d murmured, not knowing who Mrs. Herring was or who she’d lost.

He’d snorted lightly. “Don’t be. Mr. Herring was awful. She’s better off without him, to be honest. We all are.”

Alva had nodded firmly but silently, making the entire situation extremely awkward.

“Well, uh… thanks for the warning about the snow. I do have a couple of late appointments, but I’ll be careful.”

Jay’s lips had turned down in a scowl. “Surely you can cancel them. Your vehicle doesn’t have winter tires.”

In the end, I’d somehow been left with Jay’s four-wheel-drive truck, his dress coat, and a dozen hot chicken tenders in a brown paper bag. I remembered staring at the door for a full minute after the coatless man had absconded with my vehicle and left me with a warm meal.

Alva had let out a breath before heading back to the lab. “You’ve been Jaybirded, yes you have.”

Despite all the experience I’d had with the man up to that point, I still hadn’t understood what she’d meant. I’d expected Jay to be put out or annoyed. At the very least, for him to act like I’d owed him a favor.

He hadn’t.

He’d greeted me with a relieved “Howdy, neighbor” when I’d returned home that day, exchanged keys with no fuss, and ushered me up the freshly swept steps to my apartment with a friendly “Keep warm!” He’d never referred to the incident again.

I looked at Jay now, red-lipped and handsome as always. Only this time, he was red-lipped from kissing me, and his handsome was exponentially more compelling since I’d tasted the man’s mouth.

What was I supposed to be doing?

Oh, right. Kissing him for each of his evil, evil deeds.

Except now, finally, I was starting to think I understood him.

“You’re obsessed with looking out for people,” I murmured before leaning in to give him the kiss I’d promised.

“I guess, a little.” His arms came around me again, and the feel of his big, strong hands firm against my back made me groan. “One person in particular, though…”

My heart pounded. “Why me?” I whispered.

Jay’s face was serious. “You’re in high need, Dr. Lane. I’ve never met a man who needed taking care of the way you do.”

The laugh spilled out of me. “I do not. I’ll have you know I managed to survive many, many years without the help of Jaybird Proud.”

“Survived,” he repeated like he was considering the word. “I guess so.” Jay’s hand came up to stroke my jaw with his thumb. The expression on his face could only be described as fond… and I was pretty sure I was looking at him the same way.

In addition to making me feel cared for, this man made me feel noticed and seen. He always had, though I’d been too busy trying to puzzle out his motives to realize it until that moment.

To be honest, it was a little overwhelming.

If Jay really saw me, did he see all the same flaws Chad had seen? Did he realize he’d been displaying his feathers, so to speak, for a man given to “emotional evasion,” who was “indifferent” toward relationships? Did he recognize what a bad bet I was?

In that moment, with my heartbeat thudding in my temples and my belly tight with want, I reminded myself that nobody had said a word about relationships. I could see in his eyes that Jaybird Proud wanted me, and the man was too sexy to ignore.

Not to mention, I hadn’t gotten laid in a very, very long time.

“Here’s another evil deed for you, Lane. I used bottled Italian seasoning tonight because I ran out of fresh basil.”

“No!” I gasped, recoiling back in mock horror. “I’ve been defrauded of my authentic Italian Gentleman experience! I’ve been cheated. I demand my money back! Oh… wait.”

He smirked. “Not only that, but remember that time I needed you to spot me on the ladder because I was feeling wobbly?”

I remembered holding his hips from behind while he reached to replace a lightbulb in the floodlight on the corner of the garage. The feel of his body heat through his jeans and the sight of his stellar ass cheeks right in front of my face meant not only did I remember, but I’d also imagined many, many other endings to that simple task.

