Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

Joel never talked about it.

He wouldn’t give his sisters the chance to ask.

“And he treated everyone else like he had been treated,” Chloe added quieter. “Like trash—disposable, unimportant things in his life. Letting someone too close meant he was too close. God, it hurts a person when you care, when you’re trying so hard and the one you love just hurts you over and over ...”

Alessa flinched at the pain in Chloe’s voice.

“I’m sorry,” Alessa whispered.

Chloe shrugged. “Don’t be. I knew what I was getting myself into. But now, I don’t know what to do.”

“You can find someone who will love you and care for you like you should be loved and cared for, Chloe.”

“Not in the position I’m in now.”

Alessa’s brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

“Who is going to want someone like me, Alessa? I know what they say about me—the names they call me. A whore, a slut—useless. And that’s not even the worst of it.”

“What could be worse?”

“That I’m pregnant,” Chloe admitted, barely above a whisper.

Alessa froze. “What?”

“Pregnant. About eight weeks along.”

Oh, Joel.

Her heart clenched for her brother, and for Chloe.

And for the baby.

Another baby that might be shamed like Alessa’s daughter had been just for being conceived. Nothing more.

“You never told him?” Alessa asked.

“I tried,” Chloe said, “but he was so angry. And I know what everyone else will think now. They’ll talk and say that my child is a bastard, or that the father is unknown. I don’t want to do that to myself, or the baby. I know I deserve it, but—”

“Hey,” Alessa interrupted sharply. “No one deserves that. Ever, Chloe.”

Chloe dropped her gaze. “He wanted me to get rid of the baby. I think he was scared that he couldn’t do it—be a father. At least, not a good one. And maybe he was right. Maybe I should because this is impossible to do alone.”

“You’re not alone,” Alessa said. “Abriella and—”

Chloe barked out a laugh. “Your sister hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t know you, Chloe.”

“I don’t want to do this alone.”

Alessa quickly crossed the rest of the space separating her and Chloe. She bent down and wrapped the woman in a hug, holding tight.

“You’re not,” Alessa promised.

“I wanted him to love me,” Chloe said, crying.

“Someone else will—someone better.”

Chloe didn’t say a thing.

Alessa still held tight.

“Who he was isn’t reflected on who you are,” Alessa told Chloe. “Anyone who thinks differently isn’t important enough to have your time or attention. You have people, Chloe. You can have friends, a family if you want. Me, for starters. Please don’t feel like you are stuck doing this alone, because you are not. We’re here. Just ask. Speak up. Something.”

Chloe nodded. “Thank you.”

“It’ll get better. I know it will.”

“I just want to be happy,” Chloe mumbled.

Sometimes, the end of someone’s story wasn’t the final moments that others thought it should be. Sometimes, that end was simply just the beginning for someone else.

Alessa hoped this was Chloe’s beginning.

For something far better.

Theo | Eve

Forever and Eve

Theo watched the rays of sunlight filter in through the bedroom window, cascade over the floor and bed, and shot straight lines over Evelina’s prone form.

He liked her best in the mornings.

Wrapped up in cotton.

Sweet and pretty.

Content and rested.

Yeah, Theo liked this a lot.

It was one of the only times in the day when Theo felt nothing but a soothing calm sweeping his senses. When no noise muddled up his thoughts or feelings or words. He could watch Evelina in his bed, see her so unbothered and unconcerned about the outside world, and he could be happy.

Just ... happy.

All of him focused in on her, and that was it for him.

Theo didn’t think Evelina even knew what she did for him.

After all, she never asked why he woke up before her every morning. She just assumed he was an early riser, someone whose eyes cracked open at the first sight of light in the windows.

She was wrong.

Theo didn’t correct her.

He woke up every morning before Evelina to feel, to see love, to be alive.

And nothing more.

If there was ever such a thing as true peace—if being the kind of man he was, he could believe in peace—watching his lover sleep was it.

And that’s how Theo knew.

His forever was always going to be Eve.






The spoon hit the sides of Evelina’s cup of steeped tea rhythmically. Over and over. Without saying a word, Theo held out a teaspoon half-filled with sugar.

The clink-tink sound stopped as Theo turned the spoon over, dumping the sugar in. Evelina flashed him with one of her sexy smiles and went back to stirring her tea.

Then, Theo held the small box of creamer out, and poured a small amount into Evelina’s tea for her. The dark brown melted into a creamy beige as she stirred silently.

Turning on his heel, Theo leaned against the counter, and sipped on his own black coffee. He glanced around his apartment, taking in the changes around the place since Evelina had taken up residence.

