Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

Her tongue peeked out to wet her bottom lip. “Forever?”

“Yeah. This makes me ...”

“What, Theo?”

“Happy,” he admitted. “You make me so happy.”

And alive.

She made him live.

Evelina’s smile grew to a brilliant sight. She reached up, and grabbed his wrists, holding tight. “You always know the right things to say.”

Theo chuckled. “I know.”

“I love you, Theo.”

He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her mouth.

“That’s the only thing that matters,” he murmured against her lips.

Evelina’s eyes locked on his, and held strong.

He wondered what was going on in her head.

Sometimes, with Eve, it was hard to tell.


“What?” he asked.

“Forever, right?”

“I just told you that.”

“All I have to do is say the word, right?” she asked.

Theo cocked a brow. He’d said that to her weeks earlier as they walked through a church, hand in hand. All she had to do was say the word, and he would give her whatever she wanted—a forever with him, her happily ever after on their own terms.

One that wasn’t effected by others.

No one else got a say.

Only Eve.

“Just say it,” he told her. “And I’ll give it to you.”

Evelina pursed her lips and then said, “Don’t go out today.”

Theo laughed. “What do you want me to do instead?”

“Maybe go downtown with me.”

“To do what?” he asked, confused.

Evelina nibbled on her bottom lip. “Marry me.”

Theo’s hands tightened on her jaw, and his gaze cut to hers. Silently, he watched her, wondering if she had come up with this for some reason other than the obvious.

He didn’t find anything.

Just his girl.

Someone who loved him.

Who made him happy.

Theo didn’t even think about it.

He didn’t have to.

“The courthouse?” he asked.

Evelina shrugged. “It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve been there, you know.”

Theo laughed, loud and hard.


Who wouldn’t want this woman as their wife?

Theo bent down and kissed Evelina hard, reveling in the sweet heat of her mouth and the demanding strokes of her tongue.

“Is that a yes?” she asked when he pulled away.


There was so much shit going on.

Someone would be pissed.

Someone else might throw a fit.

Marriages shouldn’t happen in the Outfit unless approval was given.

And ...

Fuck those rules and those people.

Theo promised Eve.

She could have it her way, on her terms.

He promised.

“Go put something white on, Eve.”


“Hey, Adriano,” Theo said, holding the phone to his ear.

“Morning,” Adriano replied on the other end of the call.

Theo caught Evelina’s smile out of the corner of his eye as she leaned over the display cabinet and pointing at something silver and gold within. She would pick the right rings, Theo knew. Evelina had damn good taste. He wasn’t worried.

“What are you calling for this morning?” Adriano asked.

Theo wasn’t nervous. Not even an ounce of anxiety colored up his tone when he said, “I’m going to marry your sister.”

Adriano didn’t hesitate. “Great, man. She said yes, then?”

“Something like that.”

“We could do an engagement party or something.”

Theo knew those events were common. He wasn’t interested.

“Not needed,” he said simply.

Adriano laughed. “Why not?”

“Because I’m going to marry her.”

“You already said that.”

“This morning, Adriano. I’m going to marry Eve this morning.”

Silence filled the phone for a second.

Then, Adriano spluttered like he was coughing on his drink or something. It took him an entire minute to calm down and speak again.

“Where?” Adriano asked.

“The courthouse.”

“Don’t you think she deserves—”

“I think this is what she asked for,” Theo interrupted smoothly. “I think this is the day she wants—peaceful, her way, and us in front of a judge and nothing more. I think she deserves everything that she asks for and wants, Adriano.”

“Well ...”

“Well, what?”

“Okay then,” Adriano said. “What time? I’ll drive down with Lissa.”

Theo shook his head, knowing Adriano couldn’t see it. “She wants to do it on her terms. Just us.”


“Respect that, Adriano,” Theo said quickly.

Adriano sighed. “Get one picture of her for me. Call me right after, Theo. And fuck you for not convincing her to do a proper wedding where I could walk her down the aisle.”

Theo chuckled. “She’s happy.”

“I know, man. But you will let the girls throw a small party for you both tonight. I’m sure we can throw something together on last minute notice. This should be celebrated, Theo.”

He didn’t even have to think about it.

He wanted Evelina to be celebrated.

“Throw her something,” he said quietly. “I’ll show her off all night, let her party and smile.”

Adriano laughed. “All right then.”

Theo hung up the phone, and turned to find Evelina holding out a ring for him to look over. It was a simple gold band with two white gold strips on the outer rims. He tried the male version on, and it fit perfectly.

Like it was always supposed to be there.


“Well?” Evelina asked.

“It’s perfect,” Theo said.

Evelina waved her hand, showing her own off. It matched his. “Mine, too.”

He pulled her close, tipped her head back, and kissed her. She instantly parted her lips, letting him into her mouth to kiss her deeper.

