Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)


Tommas had spoken softly, but firm enough to silence whatever else Abriella might say. Alessa watched—confused—as a shocking range of emotions flitted over Abriella’s features as she stared at Tommas.

“That was wrong of me,” Abriella said. “I was out of line.”

Tommas passed her an indecipherable look. “You were. She’s ...”

“Just a woman,” Abriella finished softly. “Same as me.”

Tommas nodded. “Yeah, babe.”

Abriella’s brow crumbled and she tipped her head down. “I’m sorry, Lissa. It wasn’t my place to tell you who you could or couldn’t invite to Corrine’s meet and greet.”

Alessa had no clue what had passed between Abriella and Tommas, but her sister’s fast change in opinion likely meant it was something personal. Alessa wasn’t the kind of person to pry, and Abriella probably wouldn’t explain it anyway if she did ask.

“I know she was close to Joel,” Alessa said.

“Yeah,” Abriella agreed. “And that worries me, Lissa. Everyone is happy—safe. I don’t want to see that end up changing because we inadvertently invited the trouble right back inside our lives again.”

Tommas’ hand landed on the back of Abriella’s neck like he was reassuring her with his touch. “There was a reason why I didn’t go after her, Ella. There was no need. She was harmless, and I knew that from the start. Her deeds only went as far as Joel asked for them to, and with him gone, she is ... lost.”

Abriella still didn’t seem entirely pleased. “If you say so.”

“I do.”

“I didn’t want to be rude,” Alessa said. “I invited her mother and father, who are good people, and figured she should be allowed to come to. That was all.”

“I’m still going to keep an eye on her,” Abriella said.

Alessa didn’t doubt it.

Abriella was protective like that.

“Whatever,” Alessa said. “But if you expect her to do something terrible, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Like Tommas said, she seems kind of lost.”

Abriella didn’t have much to say after that. Once her sister and Tommas was gone, Alessa went back to piling snacks and treats on her paper plate. She felt Adriano’s presence at her side without even hearing or seeing him approach.

Tipping her head to the side, Alessa let her husband kiss her on the top of the head.

It was the little things that made her smile.

Nothing more.

In Adriano’s arms, their two-week-old daughter slept swaddled in her yellow blanket. The first week home alone with the baby had been hell. An anxiety induced, sleep deprived hell.

Alessa wouldn’t change it for the world.

They learned together.

They stayed awake together.

And Corrine made it all worth it.

“What was all that about?” Adriano asked.

Alessa looked up at him. “Hmm, what?”

“Abriella and Tommas. Seemed like you three were having an intense discussion that you didn’t want overheard. I waited until it was done before coming over.”

“Oh,” Alessa said, sighing.

Her gaze traveled across the room, finding the topic of her earlier conversation with Tommas and Abriella.

The girl was lonely.

She looked lonely.

All by herself, sitting on a chair in the corner, her hands in her lap, and her head down.

So lonely.


“Just my invitation to Chloe today,” Alessa said quietly.

Adriano frowned. “She hasn’t done anything.”

“I know, but Abriella finds it hard to trust people.”

“She’ll have to learn,” Adriano said. “Especially being Tommas’ wife, you know.”

Alessa didn’t respond to that.

“I’m sure Chloe appreciated the invitation, Lissa,” Adriano added.

Alessa hoped so, but it was hard to tell. “No one has even said hi to her.”

Adriano ticked Alessa under her chin. “Then why don’t you go do it, huh?”

Actually, that sounded like a great idea.


“Hey, Chloe,” Alessa said.

The blonde, blue-eyed woman glanced up from her lap with a furrowed brow. Chloe met Alessa’s smiling face, and offered her own back. The smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“Hi, Alessa,” Chloe said softly.

“Thanks for coming.”

Chloe shrugged. “Thanks for inviting me.”

Alessa shifted Corrine from one arm, to the other. “Did you get a chance to see Corrine?”

“No, not yet. I didn’t want to intrude on someone else’s time.”

“You’re not intruding,” Alessa said. “I promise. Do you want to hold her?”

Chloe didn’t look entirely comfortable with the idea, but she quickly nodded and held her arms out to take the swaddled baby girl. Once sleeping Corrine had switched from her mother’s arms, to Chloe’s, Alessa swore the entire room had gone silent.

A pin could have dropped and it would have been louder.

Chloe quickly looked around, like she was taking in the people staring at her holding a Conti baby.

Alessa refused to pay them any mind. “Hey, Chloe?”


“It’s okay,” Alessa said.

Chloe smiled just a little. “Thanks.”

Alessa was all too aware how these people looked at Chloe. Like the girl was nothing more than a man’s puppet—his whore to do with what he wanted. Joel hadn’t helped Chloe’s reputation at all in that regard.

But, Alessa would not be someone who fed into that hate and negativity.

It was a different time.

The war and fighting was over.

