Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

“Not particularly.”

The man nodded. “Well, there could be a few different reasons for the higher levels, but I think one reason might be far more likely than the others, considering—”

“Is something wrong with her or the baby?” Gian asked sharply.

“Uh, I don’t think it’s just one baby,” the doctor replied just as calm as ever. “Given the fact Cara is an identical twin, and there are twins further back in her family’s history, genetics say she is more likely to have a set of twins in her lifetime. The other reasons that could be causing this high level don’t really apply to her, and there would be a lot of unnecessary tests to see if that was the cause. Whereas, I can tell if she’s carrying twins with a simple—”

“Wouldn’t we have heard two heartbeats last week when I came in for a normal checkup?” Cara asked.

“You’re still early. The babies are still quite low in your pelvis. It’s possible one is behind the other, and that is masking the heartbeat.”

Cara glanced at the small ultrasound machine in the corner of the room. “Can we find out today?”

“Absolutely. Let’s just get you settled on the bed, and we’ll find out if my theory is correct.”

Gian kept a tight hold on Marcus as Cara slipped back into the hospital gown, and rested back on the bed. Soon, cold gel was smoothed over her midsection, and the doctor rolled the wand lower on her belly before the grainy images on the machine started to take shape. Not that any of them were discernable, but there was one thing that was mistakable on the screen when Cara looked as he stopped moving to capture an image.

“And there they are,” the doctor said. “Two sacs, two babies.”

“Two,” Gian said on the other side of Cara.

She smiled back at him. “Twins.”

Marcus blinked at the screen. “Baby?”

Gian laughed, shifting his son so he could get a better look. “Babies, Marcus. Two babies.”

“I suppose that explains the extreme sickness,” the doctor said, glancing back at Cara. “We’ll keep you on the meds. Congrats.”



“Twins,” she said again.

A Wedding

Cara stared into the mirror, smoothing her hands down the tightened corset of her gown, the sparkling crystals glimmering with every shift of her body as she admired the dress. The last time she had tried the gown on, there were still a lot of missing details. She hadn’t been able to put it all on—not the whole get up, until this day. Veil, shoes, and a handcrafted white-gold headpiece encrusted with diamonds that matched the choker at her throat, and the line of bracelets on her wrist, along with the dangling earrings hanging from her lobes.

A bit much, she’d thought when the designer first pitched her idea to Cara. After all, she’d told the woman, why on earth would a mother of three—more kids would come, but for now, she was settled with her three wild boys—wear something that looked suited to be put on a queen for the day of her wedding.

Because you are a queen.

And well... that settled that.

Didn’t it?


She loved this dress, though.

It, however, had been just one piece to a much larger day and production that had become her wedding to Gian. Not that Cara was really sure how that happened. Somehow, between talks of a small, intimate wedding with close family and friends turned into a four-hundred guest affair that would last two days.

Two days.

And suddenly, she liked that, too.

As excessive as it was.

She wanted this day.

What goes into a Guzzi wedding?

The biggest church in Toronto. Silk drapes in every corner. Enough flowers to donate a vase to every room to the hospital down the street when the day was done. Stretch limos, and chauffeurs for the guests. Brunch and dinner served by specialty chefs. A dress made to spec by a top designer and paid a price that cost more than most homes. Diamonds in guest gifts, and three-hundred-dollar bottles of champagne on every single table.

What makes a Guzzi wedding different?

Guests from all over the world. Criminals sitting in the front pew, but just far enough away from who they might consider an enemy that no problems would get started during the service. Table seating arrangements that promised the same peaceful outcome. A secret entrance into the church to stop paps, media, and cops from taking pictures of guests. Enforcers taking phones and weapons at the doors, and snipers posted at the tops of buildings, just in fucking case.

What makes it worth it?


Cara turned, grabbing the heavy skirt of her gown to get it out of the way just in time to turn for her oldest boy to come running her way into the private dressing room. Celeste rolled her eyes, and laughed, saying, “I tried to keep them busy, but ... “

“I wants to see yous,” Marcus said.

