Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Evie drew in a deep breath. “You are too big. I don’t get why women sing praises to well-endowed men.”

I chuckled as I stroked her cheek. “You’ll sing the same praises very soon, Evie, trust me.”

She squirmed slightly under me, as if she was trying to find a comfortable position and failing. Her movement sent jolts of pleasure through my cock and I released a low groan. Evie watched me curiously, then repeated the move. I hissed. Of course, she moved again.

“You vixen,” I muttered. “If you keep it up, this will be a short ride.” I went through my mental list of off-putting images and quickly got a grip on my over-eager cock. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been at risk of shooting my ammunition so soon.

Evie finally lay still under me, and her muscles didn’t squeeze me quite as tightly anymore. “Okay?” I asked, not wanting to hurt her.

She smiled, eyes trusting and tender. “Okay,” she whispered. I had to kiss her again. Her lips were pure perfection. I slid out of her a few inches then pushed back in. I kept a slow rhythm until her winces turned into small sounds of pleasure. With every moan from her lips, I pushed a bit deeper. I didn’t increase my speed. I got the impression that her body wasn’t ready for it yet. There would be time for it later—and there would be a later, because I had no intention of letting Evie slip out of my hands and my bed ever again.

I captured her lips with mine. I didn’t stop kissing Evie as I drove her closer and closer to the edge. Her eyes held mine the entire time, and for once I had no trouble returning a gaze because I didn’t have to pretend to care for the woman under me. I wasn’t sure when my feelings had changed, when I’d started caring for Evie like this. I’d liked her from the start, her snark and sharp comebacks, her earnest laughter and amusing temper, but this was more than like…

I pushed the thoughts aside and kissed Evie harder, then lowered my mouth to her nipple.

She moaned, then pressed her lips together as if she was embarrassed by the sound. “Let me hear you,” I murmured, and the lovely pink on her cheeks spread all the way down to her breasts. Fuck. They were absolutely marvelous. Full, round and big. Even I couldn’t fit them in my palms. I returned my gaze to her face when my balls tightened. No way was I going to come before Evie this time.

I propped myself up on one arm, reached between us, and Evie tensed when my fingers grazed her stomach. I froze, groaning as her walls fisted me even tighter. “Evie, relax,” I got out and imagined the hairy asses of Connor and the other ruggers.

Thankfully, Evie loosened up and my cock slid in and out more easily. I finally reached my goal, her clit, and began rubbing it. Evie released a long moan, and again she tightened.

Hairy asses. Saggy old women tits.


I kissed Evie hard, my fingers moving faster against her nub as I slowed my thrusts to be safe. And then Evie’s eyes widened and she shuddered under me. I quickly pulled back to hear her moans and watch her face as it twisted with pleasure. I pushed up on my palms and slammed harder into her, but it didn’t take long before my own orgasm hit me like a wrecking ball.

Xavier pulled out of me slowly, then slid off me and wrapped me in a gentle embrace. He smelled spicier, warmer, like sex and sandalwood maybe. I tried to catch my breath in Xavier’s arms. Closing my eyes briefly, I pressed my cheek against his chest. Xavier’s fingers found their way into my hair, lightly stroking my scalp. His lips brushed my temple like he had done before. It was such a caring, gentle gesture that butterflies fluttered in the pit of my stomach.

He drew his head back. “Are you okay, Evie?”

I looked up at him. “Better than okay.”

A slow smile spread on his face. “Good.”

I could tell he was trying and failing to keep the cockiness from showing.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be so smug about it.”

“I can’t help it. I’m feeling all cavemanly knowing I’m the only guy who’s been inside of you.”

“This is the second time you’ve been inside of me. No reason to be smug about it.”

“Last time I couldn’t appreciate the situation like it deserved. I felt too bad for hurting you.”

I propped myself up on his chest. “You really felt bad?”

His brows drew together. “Of course I did. I wanted to make you come, not bleed. When I saw the blood on my sheets, I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet.”

