Make You Beg Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 154691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 619(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

Next to enter is Lacey. She comes to sit next to me. “Hey …”

“Only women who suck dick can sit here,” Scout states, making Laney start laughing, and Lacey tenses.

I narrow my eyes on him. “Only men who are good at fucking are allowed to sit here,” I fire back.

He smiles at me, placing his forearms on the table. “You never complain when I fuck you, doll.” He makes sure to put a present tense on that.

It wasn’t supposed to be a dig at his sexual skills. I wanted his response to piss off Laney. Her eyes drop to my choker that I put back on this morning, and she lets out a huff, stands, and storms out of the cafeteria.

I smile, and Scout chuckles, knowing what I did there. I didn’t like that she laughed at Lacey.

I look back at the entrance, scanning it for Law. I haven’t seen him since he pinned me down on my bed last night, where he left me confused and wet. I’m not sure why he keeps playing this game with me. Everyone else seems to have given it up. I’m free now. No more bullying. No more sexual acts, which, let’s be honest, I enjoyed very much. But if I had to choose, I’d much rather have my friends than dick.

“Hey, doll,” Law says, sitting down beside me.

“Hey,” I say, looking over at him. His eyes drop to the choker, and the corner of his lips pulls up before he starts up a conversation with Dax and Rellik.

A phone beeps, and Scout picks his up off the table. “Law, want a fight this weekend?” he asks.

“No.” He shakes his head.

Scout sets his phone down, glaring at him. “What the fuck, man? You haven’t fought in forever.”

“I don’t have to prove to those fuckers that I can beat their asses.” Law snorts.

“Well …”

A hand slaps down on the table, cutting off Scout. We all look up to see Lincoln Graham standing at the end of the table. Lacey scoots closer to me, knowing he’s good friends with that piece of shit Nicholas.

“What’s up, Lincoln?” Law asks, shoving a chip in his mouth.

His brown eyes make sure to look at each of us before he gives his attention to Law. “You guys heard about Steve and Nicholas?”

“Are they fuck buddies now?” Scout asks, making Law laugh. “I hear they like ass.”

“They’re missing.” He narrows his eyes on Scout.

“That sucks,” Scout picks up his drink, taking a sip, then sets it back down. “I’m sure they’ll turn up. You know, once they’re done fucking each other in the woods.”

He pushes off the table and walks away.

“Oh my, God—” Lacey starts.

“Shut up, Lace,” Scout interrupts her. “You didn’t see shit. You don’t know shit.” With that, he gets up and leaves as well.


Monroe Manor is exactly what you would expect when you think of the one percent—gaudy. Dax’s father and his stepmother love to flaunt what they have. The Monroe annual fundraiser is an all-out, over-the-top party every year. The Monroes spend millions of dollars to make this party happen and donate to charity to avoid paying such high taxes. Gotta dump that kind of cash somewhere.

“This party is lame,” Dax says, throwing back his champagne.

“Right.” Scout grunts, agreeing with him. “I’d much rather be anywhere else.”

“Boys.” Dax’s stepmom walks over to us. Margaret’s dark green eyes look me up and down in my tux and smiles. “Can I get you anything?” Her voice purrs like a cat.

I shake my head. “No, thank you.”

“Just let me know.” Her eyes light up with her smile before she turns and walks away, looking back at me over her shoulder.

“I’m pretty sure she’d fuck you if my father left her,” Monroe states, looking at me.

“Hell, I’m pretty sure she’d fuck you right now on the grand piano,” Scout adds, laughing.

I snort, and my eyes land on a blonde walking in the main entrance. She has her arm in the crook of another man, but her eyes find us immediately. “Monroe, your girl is here,” I say.

His gaze meets hers, and she blushes, looking away.

“Thought you took care of it?” Scout snaps at him.

“I did,” he says defensively, “but that doesn’t mean I have to stop fucking her.” Shrugging, he adds, “She gives good head.”

I go to laugh, but it dies when I spot the next woman to step inside the house. It’s my doll. My eyes sweep over her black dress. It’s long-sleeved with a deep V-cut out of the front, showing off her impeccable cleavage. It hugs her small frame and has a slit all the way up her right thigh, allowing you a peek of her toned leg and red heels when she walks. And I don’t miss the new black choker I left in her room for her this afternoon on her bed. It’s a little wider than the one Scout gave her and has tiny diamonds that sprinkle the front before tying in a small knot in the back. It represents the same as the other, but this one is prettier, classier. She belongs to us, and that choker is our way of branding her. But I knew she wouldn’t wear the original one tonight. Not all dressed up.

