Make You Beg Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 154691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 619(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

“Do you want me to beg?” she asks. “Want me to get on my knees for you, Law?”

I groan at that image. I’ve wanted it so many times, but that’s not where I want her right now. I want her on her back. Me between her legs. I want something that Henley shouldn’t give me.

“Tell me what you want.” She steps into me once again, her hands flattening on my chest. “What can I do for you, Law?”

I reach out, my hand going to her wet hair. Unable to stop, I pull her into me. “I want you.” It’s the first honest thing I’ve ever told her.

“I’m right here.” Her hand comes up and runs through my hair gently.

I cup her bruised face, feeling my chest tighten that I did it to her. But I have to remind myself that bruise is also why she’s alive and standing in front of me right now.

Her eyes fall to my lips, and she licks hers.

My free hand comes up as well and cups her other cheek. I lower my head to hers, knowing that there will be no turning back after this. It will be an all-out war against Scout and me to see who gets our little doll. Because as I said before to Nicholas—I don’t share my toys.

My lips touch hers, and an electric shock runs through me at the tenderness in her kiss. Her hands slide around my neck, and she opens her mouth for me. I drop my hands to her hips and lift her feet up off the shower floor, pushing her back into the wall. She wraps them around my hips, clinging to me. My tongue enters her mouth, meeting hers, and she slowly kisses me with such need that my body heats.

I tilt her head to the side, and she moans into my mouth. My hard cock presses painfully into her lower stomach. Goose bumps cover my skin as my fingers move lower to dig into her ass, holding her in place, afraid to let her go.

She tastes like everything I never knew I needed. Something that was once forbidden but now offered on a silver platter. A feast for a starving man. That demon roars to life just like I knew he would, needing to devour her.

I never want it to stop. I never want to know what it’s like to go a second without feeding my hunger for her.

But all good things must come to an end. I pull away, placing my forehead against hers. We’re both panting.

She looks up at me through her long, dark lashes. “Take me to bed, Law.”



IF I HAD any doubts regarding my affection for Law, they were just crushed in the shower when he kissed me. I’ve been craving his lips on mine for so long that when he finally did it, I thought I was hallucinating again. The thought of it being real and feeling that good must have been a trick. But when I opened my eyes and looked up at him, I knew. What I feel for him is real. That thought should terrify me, but it doesn’t. Not anymore. I love all sides of Grayson Hamilton Law.

He lays me down on his bed. We’re still wet from the shower, and I can hear the water running.

His blue eyes sweep over my bruised face, neck, and chest. His fingers skim over the bruise on my hip from being knocked around at Graveyard last night. “How do you feel?” he asks roughly.

I place my hands on either side of his face and force him to look at me. “I’m fine, Law. I promise.” I’m not lying to him, although I know he thinks I am. For once, I want something that he’s not willing to give. We’ve been playing such a dangerous game that we never stopped to think what needed to happen for one of us to win.

“Little doll …”

I pull his lips down to mine, silencing whatever he was about to say. No words need to be exchanged. No promises need to be made. His kiss is just as gentle as it was in the shower, and I run my nails down his back. My legs wrap around his waist, and I pull his slick body into mine.

He lets out a growl, his free hand going between our bodies. I could scream in victory if his lips weren’t on mine.

He pushes his hard dick into me, knowing I was already wet for him. My breath gets caught in my lungs at the unfamiliar feel of him. We’ve never had sex before. His cock stretches me in the most amazing way, taking my breath away.

His tongue dances with mine as his hands grab my arms. He pulls them away from his back and intertwines our fingers, pinning them to the bed by my head.

