Make You Beg Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 154691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 619(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

“I haven’t been able to throw the trash away,” he says simply.

Just then, the doors swing open. We both look to see it’s Lacey.

“Fuck,” Scout hisses.

“What the hell happened?” she asks wide-eyed as she looks around the chapel and sees two guys dead. She brings her shaking hands to her face. “Oh, god …”

He takes a step toward her, and she takes one back, pressing herself into the door. “I don’t need to tell you that this shit stays in here, do I?” he asks.

She shakes her head quickly. “No.”

He reaches out to her, but I speak. “I’ll handle it, Scout.” Just like everything else, it seems.

Fisting his hand, he pulls it back. Bending down, he picks up Steve’s dead body and throws him over his shoulder, and starts carrying him toward the office in the back.

“I need your help,” I tell her.

“What?” she looks at me with her big eyes and trembling lips.

“We need to move these bodies behind the chancel.” If he wants to handle the bodies, then he can handle them himself. I’ll move Nicholas, and then we’re out of here. “Keep a lookout and make sure no one comes in here.”



THE DARK ROOM spins. I can feel the hot and stuffy air gently touching my skin like a feather. My body tingles, and my pussy throbs with need. “Please?” I beg, my hands pulling on his shirt, needing him to take it off.

“Little doll,” Law says, holding me to him in front of the altar. With his free hand, he gently brushes his knuckles across my face to move my hair back. “We can’t. Not right now.”

I shove him, and the back of his knees hit the pew, causing him to sit down in it. “Make time for me.” I fall to my knees before him, knowing what he likes. I’ve come to like it too. The way he looks down at me while I kneel before him with my mouth open and ready. The way he takes control and tells me I’m his good doll. The way his breathing picks up or how his muscles tense. All of those things make me wet.

He reaches out and cups my face. “You’re fucked up.”

“So are you, Law.” I undo his jeans and then lower the zipper. Are any of us really sane? We’re all pretending to be innocent in a world full of sin.

“No, I mean …” His words trail off when I reach in and grab his dick in my hand. He’s not hard, but he will be soon. I grip the waistband and yank them down while he lifts his hips, allowing me to take control for a short time. “Doll.” He groans, moving his hand from my face into my hair.

I’ve never needed anything this badly in my life. Him in my mouth. His body on top of me. His hands wrapped around my throat. “I need it,” I plead, my thighs tightening, wishing I had that football right about now. “Play with me.”

I run my hand up and down his hardening cock, feeling how smooth it is. I lean forward and lick up the shaft.

He relaxes further into the pew, his eyes looking down at me while he bites his bottom lip. “Open your mouth, little doll, and let me fuck it.”

I whimper, shifting on my knees. I’m naked, and my thighs are soaked. I rub them together for some kind of friction.

His hand in my hair, he pulls my head forward, and I open, letting him push his dick into my mouth. I moan around it when I get that familiar taste of his precum.

I open my throat for him, allowing him to fuck me like I need it. Letting him go as deep as he wants, not giving a fuck if I gag. It’s bound to happen every now and then. Just means you’re doing it right.

My hands grip his muscular thighs, and I dig my nails into him, running them down his legs so hard that he hisses in a breath at the sting. I see blood start to flow.

“Shit!” He shoves my head back, and his dick pops out of my mouth. He grips my hands in one hand, pushes them up and behind my head, crossing my wrists at the base of my neck, holding them in place and making my chest bow out. Then his free hand grips the top of my hair. “Open,” he commands.

I do, and he yanks my head forward, shoving his cock back into my mouth. “Want it to hurt, doll?” he asks, through gritted teeth.

My only response is a moan.

“Then that’s what I’ll do. Make it hurt.” My scalp tingles at his hand in my hair, and he slams into the back of my throat as drool runs out of the corners of my mouth and tears stream down my cheeks.

