Leith (Mountain Men #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Mountain Men Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91786 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

“You’re a smart girl. Behave, and you’ll be fine.”

She bites her lip and doesn’t respond at first, then finally nods.

“Good girl.”

We hold each other’s eyes for a long moment before I speak again.

“Does it frustrate you not to be able to speak to me?”

Her eyes narrow and she nods so quickly, her hair bobs around her face and covers her eyes.

I bend and kiss her forehead, nudging her hair back off of her face. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and I can’t help but brush my lips across those as well.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whisper. “I want all of you.”

She closes her eyes but only briefly. When she opens them, she nods.


“Yes?” I ask, wanting to be incredibly clear.

She nods again.

With the fire flickering in the hearth mingling with the sounds of her heavy breathing, anticipation hangs in the air between us. There’s something about the moment that’s magical and enchanted, like a lover’s tryst under a moonlit sky. I can’t think of anything beyond making her mine.

I lean in and kiss her cheek right before I whisper in her ear. “I want to take you, Cairstina. I want to make you mine.”

She holds my gaze in bold challenge, bites her lip… and then nods again.

I close my eyes against the immediate rush of emotion that threatens to override all logic and reason. I want to tear her clothes off her, impale her with my cock, I want to see her head thrown back in surrender as I fuck her. But I can’t, I won’t. If she’s going to trust me, I need be cautious.

“If I let you go, will you hit me again?” I ask her.

She shakes her head, looking almost abashed.

“Good. Then I’ll let go of your wrists, but you’d better make damn sure you’re not disobeying me. We’re in my house now, and you couldn’t scream for mercy if you wanted to. I could do anything I fucking wanted if I needed to punish you.”

Her eyes widen even further, but she nods just the same.

I can’t talk anymore. I can’t wait anymore either. I capture her mouth with mine, relishing her soft panting and sweet, sweet taste, as I glide my hand down her neck to her breasts. I weigh one, then the other, dragging my thumb along the nipples I feel straight over her clothing. I move my fingers between her legs, the heel of my palm up against her pussy, as her breathing quickens.

I kiss her until we’re both panting, until we’re both eager, and I nod to give her permission to take off her clothes.

“I want them all off,” I groan in her ear. “I fucking need them to come off.”

She fumbles with her top and I help her, grasping the edge and dragging it up over her head. I growl appreciatively as she lifts it up and over her head with my help. Next come her leggings, followed by her knickers and bra, until her clothes lie in a pile on the floor beside the couch.

She points her finger to me.

“Me next?”

She bites her lip as she nods, and her cheeks flush pink. She’s so fucking gorgeous, her soft blue eyes dancing with excitement and nerves. She watches as I lift my shirt off and toss it to the pile on the floor, then reach for the clasp of my belt. I wonder if she’s remembering what it felt like when I whipped her. I fucking am. She watches as I slide it through the loops and toss it to the floor with the clothes. I reach between her legs and stroke her pussy, not at all surprised to find she’s sopping wet.

I cluck my tongue and shake my head. “Ooh, naughty girl,” I say. “Look how ready you are.”

She watches me, her eyes half-lidded and eager. I stroke my fingers through her slick folds, until she’s noiselessly keening with pleasure and panting, her ragged breaths an indication she wants this.

I fondle her until she’s gyrating her hips against my hand, and the musky, sweet scent of arousal fills the air.

I groan, unable to help myself. I fall to my knees and part her legs.

I breathe on the inside of her pussy, then pull back.

“Do you want my mouth there?”

Her lips part and her eyes are impossibly wide. She points with her index finger.


I lower my mouth to her belly and kiss her sweet spot, part her, then run my tongue along her slit, tasting her sweet essence. I groan, dig my fingers into her thighs, and hoist them up to grant me better access. Her hands delve into my hair, fingers scrambling for purchase, but her knees fall open and she welcomes me in.

I kiss and fondle and suckle her until her pelvis rises and she’s on the cusp of climax, then pull my mouth away and drag my hand across the back of my mouth.

