Leith (Mountain Men #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Mountain Men Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91786 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

“I don’t think you’d like it if I didn’t let you come, would you?”

She shakes her head from side to side, her eyes wide and terrified but aroused at the same time.

“How about if I punished you that way? Hmm?”

She shakes her head as I sink my teeth into the tender skin at her inner thigh, needing to mark her. She jolts with the stab of pain, and I return my fingers and mouth to her pussy. I lick and suckle, tease and stroke, until her head falls back and she comes on my tongue. I can feel her spasms of pleasure even as she comes in total silence.

When she’s still deep in the throes of ecstasy, I join her, shoving my trousers down to free my thick, rigid cock.

With lust-filled eyes, she grabs my cock and squeezes, and I groan. It feels so good to have her stroking me, when the taste of her is still on my mouth, that I almost come just watching her. Still, I’m ratcheting up harder and harder until I’m nearly ready to come. I part her legs, gliding my cock through her folds, and hold her gaze as I do it.

“You’re a virgin?”

She bites her lip and nods.

“Good,” I whisper in her ear. “I want to be your first. I don’t want you to ever forget me.”

I reach for my pants, take out my wallet, and remove a condom. She watches as I roll it over my hard cock, her eyes curious and eager, her parted knees practically begging me.

Slowly, so slowly it’s fucking painful, I glide my cock to her pussy, gently stroking her clit while her hips jerk. Her hands wrap around my waist, urging me forward, and she grips my arse so hard, I slip my cock into her pussy in one firm but gentle thrust.

Her mouth parts open and her eyes flutter closed. I don’t thrust again just yet, I don’t fucking move, just hold my thick, hardened cock inside her, relishing the feel of her pussy gripping me. Her eyes come to mine, surprised and excited.

“Does that feel good?” I whisper.

She bites her lip and nods, and I nearly fucking lose my mind.

She can’t speak, but she can touch. She grabs my hips and pushes hers forward, welcoming me to thrust, to enter her fully, to take her. So with a groan, that’s exactly what I do. She’s so tight I know she’s a virgin, even if she hadn’t told me as much.

My eyes flutter closed at the friction between us, her heated arousal and hot, tight pussy milking my cock, the pleasure it brings. I love the feel of her, the nearness of the two of us, I love everything about this as we move in perfect time, both of us urging the other on. I know she comes when I do, the way her head falls back and her mouth parts as her pussy hugs my cock, and I fucking lose my mind.

I come so hard I’m fucking blinded, shattered. My head falls beside her, my forehead on the sofa as she wraps her legs around my back and spurs me on. I’m panting, relishing the feel of her hands on my shoulders and legs wrapped around my torso. I didn’t know this woman a week ago, yet I feel as if we were created for this moment of unadulterated intimacy.

I lean over and kiss her cheek, hot and flushed with arousal. “That was fucking perfect, doll. Fuckin’ perfect.”

I pull out of her with reluctance, expecting more than the streak of red. She doesn’t flinch or look afraid but somehow grateful and sated. I walk to the toilet and grab some towels, come back to her, and sit beside her while I clean her up.

“Bed’s up in the loft,” I tell her. “Let’s get some rest, hmm?” But before she can respond, I pull her over to me and kiss the top of her head, holding her so tightly she’s gasping for breath before I release her.

“That was fucking beautiful.”

She bows her head shyly, nods, then takes the clothes I give her. “Everything you need’s in the bathroom.”

She smiles to herself, and I’m curious what she’s thinking.

“What is it?” I ask. I lift her mobile from the armchair and toss it back to her.

The text comes in quickly.

Not everything I need’s in there. She bites her lip and I cock my head to the side.

She gives me a shy look. Does she need me? I wish I knew what she needed from me, for I’d give her anything right now on a fucking silver platter.

I reach for her, bringing her close to me so I can embrace her.

“You’re an angel.” I kiss her cheek and send her to get ready for bed.

When she’s ready she goes to climb the ladder, then thinks better of it and runs back to the coffee table. She grabs the damn romance book, then trots back to the ladder and climbs up to the loft. I shake my head and join her. Fucking Scottish mafia romance, my God.

