Leith (Mountain Men #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Mountain Men Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91786 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

In a manner of speaking. I give Leith a frosty expression. I want my dog back.

“Was he here, now?” Leith asks, his hands fisting by his side. There’s a flintiness in his eyes that makes me nervous. “What’d he say?”

“Said she was missing, and could I help find her.” He scrubs a hand across his brow. “Of course I knew nothing, but I’ve been worried for her.” He looks to me again, then the three others. “You’re safe, then?”

I nod, wishing so hard that I could speak. I’m not sure if I agree I’m safe, but I suppose I am for the moment.

Leith glances at his phone. “We need to get going shortly, if we’re to do our errand.” In about twenty minutes, my brother will go to leave work, only to find his keys missing. It’s time.

The wind rages outside, and something crashes to the ground. I jump, and MacGowen pats my shoulder.

“Just the barrels outside. The metal lids fall when the wind kicks up.”

But Tate’s walking down the hall toward the door, peering at the little glass panels on either side. “You sure about that, Father? Are you expecting any visitors?”

“No. Haven’t had a visitor all day.”

I close my eyes to concentrate, listening for clues. There’s a sound of retreating footsteps, running away from the parsonage.

Damn it, someone was here.

Do the others hear what I do? I know sometimes I note details the others don’t.

I text Leith.

I hear someone running away.

But when he lifts his mobile to read the message, it begins to ring.

“You two, go see what you can find,” Leith orders Mac and Tate. “Go quickly.” He presses the button on his phone. “Yes, Mum?”

I follow Tate and Mac, but Leith reaches for my arm and tugs me over. I watch as his face darkens, and his grip on my arm tightens.

“She hasn’t? Mother of God, I wish the lot of you would pay more attention to me. Christ. When was she seen last?”

His brows are drawn together, his face contorted in anger. “Yes, Mum. Relax. We’re right here in town. We’ll find her.”

He shuts off his mobile and turns to me and Father MacGowen, as Tate pushes open the door and comes back inside, something in his fist.

“Paisley’s gone missing.”

* * *

Chapter Thirteen


We’ve come into town to seek revenge, but our plans are thwarted. We can’t fucking go after Dougal now that Paisley’s in danger, though I want to so badly it’s killing me.

“What do you mean?” Mac asks, his typically boyish expression gone.

“That was Mum. Islan got in touch with Fran, Fran admitted she went home last night and hasn’t seen Paisley since. Paisley isn’t answering her mobile, and Mum’s worried.”

“Son of a bitch,” Tate says, then looks abashed. His gaze swings to MacGowen. “Sorry, there, Father.”

“No worries, son, go on.”

“We need to find her,” I tell the others. I shake my head. “It’ll mean forgetting our original plan.”

I hate that we’ll have to do this, but we can’t waste a bloody minute if Paisley’s in danger. I’ll have her fucking head, I will.

“Are you kidding me?” Mac says, enraged. “We came here to —”

I growl at him, stopping him mid-sentence. There’s no fucking need for MacGowen to know why we came here.

He blows out a breath and shakes his head.

“What did you find, Tate?” I gesture to the bunched up fabric in his hand.

He frowns. “Was on the front stoop. Looks like a woman’s scarf?”

He holds it up to the light, and Cairstina’s hand flies to her mouth.

“What is it?” I ask her. She pulls out her mobile, and my phone buzzes with a text.

That’s my mum’s. Did she hear anything? Was she here?

“She says it’s her mum’s.” God, her fucking family. “Has she been by here, Father?”

His eyes grow worried, a crease forming across his brow. He looks as if he’s aged since last we saw him. “A few times, aye. I didn’t expect her tonight, but she shows up from time to time. Has since the other night.”

Another text comes in.

Do you think she heard him say my name?

I shake my head. “Not sure what she heard or what she can do about it if she did, but we’ll have to investigate. First, though, we find Paisley.”

Cairstina nods and reaches for my hand. She gives it a gentle squeeze. A quiet, silent reassurance that all will be well. I squeeze her back. When you’ve seen what I have and witnessed what I have, you’re not so sure things will be well, but I’m grateful for her.

“Father, you let us know if you hear anything at all from Cairstina’s family, the Aitkens, or Paisley, will you?”

“Aye, you have my word.”

“Let’s go.” I gesture for the others to follow me. I pause before we leave, turning back to MacGowen. “And if you need a detail here, you tell me—”

