Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

“The police will take all of that, as I’m sure you know being an officer. I’m sorry you were put through that. We’ll keep you at least overnight to make sure you’re not going to have any complications, and I’ll send you home with some good painkillers. You’ll be sore. You won’t be able to do any active duty for at least six weeks.”

Thank god I’m working with Blanche now because we’re not out on the streets where I need my body to be working correctly.

“Okay, I understand. Thank you.”

“You have a visitor outside; I’ll send him in as soon as I’m done here. I’ve given you a sleep tablet for the night to help you get through the pain and get some rest.”

I nod, and when he leaves, I pick up my phone before my visitor comes in to call Blanche. I don’t want him thinking that I’ve given up on the case because I didn’t show up to work today. I’m already frustrated that I have to take time off, considering he picked me because he thought I was worth giving the extra effort to.

“Zariah, how are you? Carson told me what happened. Are you okay?”

He’s being nice already, and I immediately sigh with relief.

“I’m okay, sore but okay. I’ll be in the hospital for a few days, but I’ll be right back to work. I don’t want you thinking I’m slacking on the case.”

He laughs. “Work, work, work, it’s totally fine. In fact, I’m happy to come with you in there to do some work if you like. Only if you’re feeling up to it, of course?”

“Yes, please, that would be great!” I say quickly, my voice full of excitement.

If I have to sit in here, at least I’m going to do it working on the case. I want nothing more than to work on it right now.

He laughs again. “Well, that didn’t take much convincing, did it? I’ll pop by in the morning and we can go over what I’ve uncovered.”

“Thank you so much.”

We talk for a few minutes more but I hang up when a knock at my door sounds out. I yell out and, a moment later, Kendric walks in. He’s got a bag of something that smells incredible in his hands, and after a quick glance around the room, he comes in and sits by the bed, placing the items on my food tray. “Didn’t know if you were hungry, but I got you a burrito. Waverly told me you like ‘em, she also told me to tell you that if you don’t answer your phone in the morning she’s getting on a plane and coming home.”

I shake my head, smiling. “Of course she is. I’ll text her later, tell her I’m okay.”

“Are you?” he asks.

I narrow my eyes, confused.


“Oh,” I say softly. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

“And the boy?”

“He’s okay, Reece has been calling me over and over. That’s what he does. He lives with guilt. I spoke to Jayden earlier, he seems happy. He’s safe there until we can get him back.”

“Don’t let that fucker get into your head. Don’t let him convince you that you shouldn’t be doin’ this. He’s a dangerous man, and next time you won’t be so lucky.”

I swallow, and glance down at my hands. “But, Jayden ...”

“You think the boy needs a man like that in his life? How long do you think it’s goin’ to be before he sees his father behavin’ like that and thinks it’s okay. You tell me that?”

I feel like a fist slams into my chest at his words. They hurt, they’re a brutal truth I don’t want to face.

“That’s his father. He loves him. Adores him. I can’t just take that away from him. Reece loves his son, he does ...”

“If he fuckin’ loved his son, he wouldn’t hurt his mother. You’re makin’ excuses out of guilt, guilt that your boy will miss out if you take him away, but you gotta know that man will turn on your boy one day. He’ll get angry and he’ll snap. You really willin’ to bet everythin’ that he’ll never do that?”

I look away, tears burning under my eyelids.

“What about when he meets another woman and he beats her in front of him. That boy is only gettin’ bigger, he ain’t gettin’ smaller. He’s oblivious to it now, but he won’t be forever. You look me in the eye and tell me you’re okay with that, and I’ll let it be.”

I clench my eyes shut, and a moment later Kendric’s hand finds my jaw and he turns my face toward his. I open my eyes and his are locked on mine, his face serious. “Answer me, Zariah.”

“No, no I’m not okay with that. I’m not, but ...”

“But you’re scared of that fucker. You’re scared of hurtin’ him because you’ve got some twisted little attachment to him. I get that. Seen it, believe it. You can get past it.”

