Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

I’m going to hyperventilate.

“And you picked me?” I squeak, and then cover my mouth, horrified that I sound so god damned pathetic. I quickly try to cover it up. “I’m sorry, I’m a really big fan, and I’m in a little bit of shock right now.”

He grins and, when he does, it transforms his whole face. Steven “Bull” Blanche is a good looking man, which helps his cases in a big way. People want to talk to him, women especially. He’s got the kind of face that should be on a magazine cover—come to think of it, I’m fairly certain it has been once or twice.

He’s got this chiseled jaw line with large brown eyes framed by thick lashes. His skin is a soft olive and he’s always sporting a five o’clock shadow which gives him a slightly rugged edge. His hair is always cropped short and neat. He’s tall, yet well-built and lean. He actually reminds me of the actor that plays Lucifer on that new show that I may, or may not, have binged watched. You know, dreams of being a detective and what not.

He has a slight accent; I can’t pick where it’s from, though. A quick background search would tell me his origin.

“You should hold yourself in higher regard, Zariah. I’ve been told great things about you.”

By who? I want to sputter, but I don’t.

Nobody here likes me, most of the men treat me like crap because I’m a woman. The other female cops in the station are older and mostly retired. I’m the only young one who is looking to climb up the ladder. I don’t know who would have put my name forward.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking who put my name forward? Because as I’m sure you can probably imagine, being a young cop, a young woman cop, doesn’t always make things easy around here.”

Blanche leans down on my desk, getting in a little closer, so I can smell his very masculine aftershave. “I have my methods. Let’s just say I don’t ask the other police officers who they think should suit, they’ll always tell me themselves. I ask the other people, the ones who are always watching but nobody notices. The receptionists, the cleaners, the janitors ...”

Proving just how smart he is.

“Your receptionist said you’re the nicest person here and always bring her lunch, even when you’re so busy you don’t get to eat your own.”

My heart swells. I love Jacey at the front desk; she’s so nice and she works so many hours. On my way to work each day, I go past a deli and I always pick her up her favorite turkey sandwich. I did this because one day I saw her faint because of hunger, because our stupid boss wouldn’t let her go on a lunch break. I wasn’t going to let that happen again, so I make sure every day she has something to eat, even if she can’t leave her desk.

“The cleaners, two, in particular, said you always clean your office and empty your trash, like you’re trying to make their job a little easier. They also told me every Friday you leave them a bottle of wine each on your desk.”

I’m probably going to cry in a minute.

That’s true, the two cleaners, older ladies, named Betty and Muriel, are always so nice to me and, as with everyone else female around here, they don’t get treated the same. They’re working hard and they’re most certainly underpaid. I like to know that I can help them out by doing my bit, and everyone deserves to go home on a Friday night to a nice glass of wine.

“The janitor said that when he’s in here on a weekend, you always bring him a muffin from the local bakery and tell him that you won’t tell if he eats it in the supply closet.”

I laugh. Old Jake. He’s so nice and does all the repairs and harder work around the office. He’s only in on the weekends when the two cleaning ladies aren’t here, and he’s quiet and sweet. He’s such a nice man and reminds me of my grandfather, so I like to give him a treat.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

“Those are the kinds of people I want working for me, the people who selflessly help others over themselves. All the other officers might tell me they’ve got the most experience and the most knowledge, but they’re not who I want on my team.”

Sweet Jesus.

It’s a damned miracle.

“So, would you like to work this case with me?”

Would I?

Sweet lord, yes.

I know I’m taking on a lot, being that I’m secretly helping Alarick find Dax, but I can fit in this, too.

“I’d love to, I really would.”

He grins and stands up straight. “Wonderful, I’ll be getting permission from your boss to take you for the next month or two. We’ll be working here, but you’ll be relieved of all your other duties during that time. This will go very well for you stepping up into a higher role, Zariah. Congratulations.”

