Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“Do you see them?” Aaron asks in awe.

“Mama and babies. Gorgeous.”

I step farther back, adjust the shutter speed, and take a photo of the entire picturesque scene before me, including the creek, cliff, and cypress trees.

I kneel near a bank of rocks and shrubs. “Wanna be in my shot?”

“No, thanks. I mean, unless you need me to be?”

“Might be useful for perspective,” I reply, though I don’t actually need him in the shot. But maybe in my own way, I’m hoping to treasure this memory. “Gonna put you to work so you don’t get bored.”

“No chance.” Aaron chuckles as he sets his water bottle down, then strolls to the water’s edge, his hands balled awkwardly at his sides as if self-conscious. He takes a deep breath, then turns and grins as I focus on a tighter frame.

I’m transfixed by his form and expression through the lens. His chest and biceps are well-defined. Not so much muscly as just strong. I can picture him lifting weights at the gym with the other dudebros.

He’s short-waisted, so his legs appear a mile long at this angle. His hairy thighs are fit and tantalizing, just like the rest of him. If I think about how much I love pounding him from behind, I might lose focus in a totally different way.

Aaron drifts into his own thoughts, concentrating on something in the canopy of trees behind me. My lens zooms in on his expression, which is one of wonder as he spots something in the branches. He has a full bottom lip, a thin nose, and lashes just long and curly enough to showcase his emerald eyes that are kind yet sultry.

Yeah, he’s a gorgeous man.

There’s a barely perceptible scar near his brow bone. I open my mouth to ask how he got it, then hold back because I’m too busy admiring him, flaws and all.

It doesn’t help the urge to kiss him right now. To walk right up to Aaron and lay one on him. For no good reason. Just because. And that’s not smart.

“All finished?” he asks, startling me out of my thoughts.

I slide the lens away from my eye. “Don’t rush me.”

He grins self-consciously before showing me his guns and hamming it up for the camera. When I zoom back in, he licks his lips as if on cue, and seeing that tongue in high definition nearly makes me swallow my own. Both times we’ve been together have been rushed, which I’m not complaining about, but now I take my time imagining a different scenario. How that tongue would feel inside my mouth for a slow, deep kiss and then traveling down my skin as we take our time with each other.

“Okay, now you’re just messing with me,” he proclaims, wiping his brow. With the sun up, the heat is more evident, and I feel my hair sticking to my neck.

Our gazes connect. “What are you talking about?”

“Taking close-ups of all my imperfections so you can fuck with me later.”

“Your imperfections?” I chuckle. “Not a chance. Besides, that would only make you more appealing, more human.”

He opens his lips for a retort, but I’ve apparently rendered him speechless.

Maybe that was too honest.

“Or maybe those buckteeth of yours might work for my evil plan,” I tease, trying to break the tension.

“You ass.” His laugh reverberates in my bones as I regroup and focus on the cliff again.

After a few more snaps of the eagle’s nest, I lower the camera and pad toward the creek, making sure to avoid any sharp rocks. I sit on a large boulder jutting out of the water, and he follows my path, then sinks down beside me, releasing a dreamy sigh. We skip stones for a solid few minutes, enjoying the reverie, before making a competition out of it.

“Hey, no fair.” Aaron pouts as his rock immediately sinks. “I’ve only done this like twice in my life.”

“Sucks to be you,” I reply as my stone skips several times across the water.

He appears relaxed, at peace. And I can’t help thinking it has to do with this town, this creek, and maybe even me.

“Holy crap, look!” He’s pointing up at the cliff as the eagle spreads its wings to take off in flight. I lift my camera and start snapping. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so cool in my life.”

“Seriously?” I ask, taking one last shot.

“Maybe. I mean, we live in a part of the country that has great weather and lots of natural resources, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen a bald eagle.”

“Then I’m glad I invited you.”

“I’m glad too.” Our gazes connect and hold. “So what now? I’d kill for some coffee.”

“Yeah?” I stand and wipe off the seat of my pants. “I know just the place.”

“Does it have bright, whimsical colors and a friendly server?” Aaron asks as he follows me toward the path in the woods.

