Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“I can see why you like this town…or at least feel tied to it,” Rocco says. “Everyone seems so willing to give a hand.”

I smile, relief settling in my chest.

“Beth seemed so nervous. She told me she lost someone years ago, and I can’t help thinking she’s haunted by the experience.”

I nod. “Just like the McCoys are about their own tragedy.”

“Does this have anything to do with the curse?”

“Sort of, yeah. Come on, I’ll tell you on the way back to the hotel.”

“You sure you don’t want to wait and…” He motions down the beach, where June is on one side of Cain and Johnny on the other, slowly walking him toward his things. I feel a tug in my gut to be by Jack’s side. But they’ve got each other, and that’s what’s important now.

When I spy the paramedics pull up near the towpath, I’m convinced we’ll only be in the way. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

Cain will likely be fine, but it’s good for him to get checked out.

On the way back to the hotel on foot, Frank stops us to get an update, and after I tell him, he exhales in relief. “Thank fuck. That family has been through enough.”



“Jack, can you give me a hand?”

“Sure thing.” I set down my beer and head toward the grill. We’re out back at the Witching Hour, along with all of Aqua Vista, it seems. And maybe after narrowly escaping another tragedy, that’s exactly how it is. The whole town coming out to see that Cain is all right, and he’s getting plenty of backslaps and good wishes. June too, who has stuck close to his side. I haven’t heard Cain tease or complain even once, not after he gave us all a good scare.

Johnny runs this event annually, and it’s always a good time, but this year, it feels like there’s more to celebrate and be lighthearted about. Even if those emotions are warring inside me with Aaron leaving. I thought we got our goodbyes over with earlier in the day, but I should’ve known I wouldn’t get off that easy.

The fact that he’s the one who found Cain makes it all the more bittersweet. Like he belongs to this town—to us—and it does nothing to help me swallow down the boulder in my throat as I watch him make his rounds.

He’s been keeping Beth company for a while now—not that I’m counting the minutes—and though I snapped at her earlier, I still can’t find it in me to make nice. Civil will have to do for now. Besides, June is a good buffer for us all.

Rocco must have been filled in on the gravity of the situation because he doesn’t try any funny business. In fact, he’s busy shooting the shit with Frank and Becca.

Maybe the business partner isn’t so bad if Frank likes him.

Or more likely, it’s because they have cars in common, as well as their Italian heritage. It was hard to miss their conversation on the way to where I’m seated at the picnic table. Gushing over their nonnas’ lasagnas, then segueing into Lamborghinis, as if their families had a stake in the company or something. Becca looks positively bored, and I don’t blame her.

I can’t help thinking Rocco is trying to butter me up through Frank, but the man hasn’t said anything to me since he arrived.

Why the hell isn’t he in the automotive business, then? Now I’m being ridiculous. Who the fuck cares about this guy? Well, Aaron does, but it’s not like I’m going to have many more opportunities to run into Rocco again. He only came to Aqua Vista for one reason—and will be leaving empty-handed.

I take a swig of water, hoping it helps my low-grade headache, not only from lack of sleep but all the adrenaline and anxiety from Cain going missing. Watching turtles seemed like a dream after all that excitement, but it’d be hard to forget how warm Aaron felt against me, even if the sand was uncomfortable. His lips were parted, his brow softened, and I found myself simply watching him sleep.

Done socializing for the moment, Aaron plops down next to me with a plate of ribs and a buttered roll. “So good, I had to get another helping.”

“Johnny will be thrilled to hear that but don’t give him a big head. It’s already the size of a ballon.”

Aaron snickers as he digs in.

I motion toward our two friends across the patio. “I see Rocco’s love of cars only rivals my best friend’s.”

“He’s a connoisseur.” He smirks. “Goes to all kinds of auto shows, owns a few hot rods, likes to fuss over them and make them shine. But knows nothing about engines.”

I think of his fancy suits and have a hard time imagining him with grease stains on his hands or clothes.

