Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

We continue on the hike, chatting here and there about the weather and the town in general—like how Aqua Vista is elevated nearly one hundred and fifty feet, giving it the backdrop of the mountains of the Big Sur region. Fascinating stuff, and Jack certainly knows his history as he schools me about the gold rush and hippie commune settlements in the early 1900s that some of the older generations were brought up in. Including Beth, which tracks more than the whole witchcraft narrative, though from what I’ve read, it’s all Mother Nature related, which sounds more progressive than anything else.

Jack clenches his jaw whenever Beth is mentioned, and I wonder if he also believes she’s brought on some sort of curse. Apparently, Spellbound was previously owned by her bohemian grandmother, so when the witchcraft narrative began, some old-timers hoped it would keep people away, while others leaned into it by cashing in on the idea, like the man selling souvenirs. So strange to think someone could be so liked and disliked at the same time, but in the end, it’s not for me to decipher.

I want to ask who hurt him, but after how he acted the other night, I decide to hold back. I’ll keep things light, seeing as we’ll be parting ways again soon enough.

My cell buzzes with a text from Rocco, but I ignore it for now. He’s trying to talk me into asking Jack about selling again. He’s convinced it can somehow still happen. But that’s Rocco. Not many people say no to him.

When we get back to the parking area, I’m bummed that our time together is over. Just as I’m trying to think of a way to spend time with him again, he turns to me. “Are you interested in seeing more of the sights around here?”

“Absolutely. Why do you ask?”

“I thought I’d take a drive and shoot more photos. Want to tag along? Unless you have plans.”

“The only plan I have is to annoy a grouchy service station owner by asking nosy questions.”

He grins, the first full one I’ve seen this morning. “We can take my truck. It’s about a thirty-minute drive out of town.”

“Sounds good.” I hop into the passenger side, wondering what prompted him to ask. Maybe in a roundabout way, it’s him admitting he enjoys my company too.

I almost ask if he’s taken the day off, but he’s the owner and can do what he wants. Though this doesn’t feel like a spur-of-the-moment decision.

“Where are we going?” I ask as we drive toward the highway.

“How about I surprise you?”

“Oooh, mysterious.” That definitely tracks for Jack McCoy.



I honestly don’t know why I asked Aaron to tag along, but I don’t question my decision. I have a feeling he’ll enjoy the experience, given how many times he’s shown up on the morning trail. I push aside the notion that it has to do with me, though it likely does. Either because he wants to keep hooking up or enjoys my company. He hasn’t thrown out a sales pitch about the station again, but I wouldn’t put it past him to sneak it in somehow. The truth is, I’m putting up with that possibility because I like hanging out with him as well. It’s a nice distraction. Plus, it’s gotten me motivated about my art again.

Exiting the highway, we drive toward the base of the mountains and into a remote part of the cypress forest before I park in my usual spot. Or at least it used to be when I would come more often. Judging by how quiet it is, there still won’t be anybody around for miles.

As soon as we exit the truck, I inhale the mountain air and revel in the silence. Not that Aqua Vista is bustling, but this is serene in a way my hometown isn’t.

It’s also why I know I could never be happy in a city. The coastal small-town life suits me well.

I point toward the wooded area. “It’s just a little ways on foot.”

He follows without question, and once we clear the trees and edge toward the rocky creek, he stops and takes in the view. “What is this place?”

“It’s where the eagles nest.” I motion across the water toward a tall cliff where the birds are known to live and thrive. “I’ve always wanted to photograph them.”

“Why now?”

I hitch a shoulder. “Just felt inspired.”

“I mean, you’re welcome?” He puffs out his chest. “I know sex with me is amazing.”

I huff out a laugh. “Shut it.”

Once we get to the bank, we stand side by side in comfortable silence. I hear birds chirping and the soft sound of the water lapping against the rocks. It makes me wonder why I waited so long to return.

Feeling encouraged, I lift my lens and focus on the cliff, locate the nest, and then zoom in to get a bird’s-eye view of the majestic creatures. I take multiple shots in quick succession, the sunlight reflecting off the water making it the perfect time of day for this.

