Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

The elegance and grace of Sim’s walk only enhance the visual of her coming to me. Her full lips are painted red with a glossy shine to them.

The look is tightly skating the line of classy but sexy. My wife could have had a career as a supermodel if she wanted. She is a head-turner, for sure.

“I am ready for our date,” she says as she stops in front of me.

I place a hand on her hip and pull her to me to kiss her soft lips. I don’t take it too far, just a peck. When I pull away, I hand her the flowers in my other hand.

Her eyes light up with excitement and she claps her hands together. I will have to bring her flowers more often. She takes them in her hands and gives them a sniff.

“I am used to getting flowers in my dressing room, but this is so much different,” she says excitedly. “Thank you, Michael.”

“You are welcome.”

“Annabella, will you please put my flowers in some water for me? I don’t want to damage them on our date.”

“I’ve got you.”

Symphony’s eyes light up as Annabella takes the roses from her. I can tell something has come to mind to make her happy and excited. It’s as if I can see her downloading information in her head.

“Oh, I don’t want them to die too quickly. Do you know to make sure you use a clean vase? You have to trim the stems at a sharp angle underwater and remove any leaves that could be submerged in the water. Michael, can we stop for some flower food to add to the water when we return?”

I kiss her cheek. “We might not find anything open by then. I will buy you another dozen tomorrow.”

“It’s okay. I want to save these. I will order online and have it delivered.”

“In that case, we should go.”


Born Diva


“No matter what happens, hold your head high.” Valentina’s words continue to play in my head from when she whispered them to me as she hugged me before I left for my date.

My first date has been amazing so far. I’ve done all that Val and Annabella told me to do. Up until this point their advice has paid off.

First, Michael took me to dinner at a lovely restaurant. I’m a picky eater, so I was a bit nervous when we first arrived. I’m glad I didn’t allow my nerves to get the best of me.

Once I looked at the menu, I was able to find something I would like, and it was divine. Michael kept the conversation going smoothly and shared bites of his food with me to try.

When I got too excited to find my words to express myself, he didn’t get annoyed with me. He allowed me time to calm and figure it out. I appreciate that.

This has all been so exciting and overwhelming for me at times. I can dance and perform before hundreds of people, but sitting across from Michael and wanting to impress him has been a bit daunting. However, Michael has made it worth the effort.

It is only now, as we sit in our box seats at the opera that I’m conflicted on whether or not I should follow Val and Annabella’s advice. As the beautiful performance continues below us and I begin to realize this is the part of the date the ladies were hinting about, I don’t know what I should do.

“Are you okay?” Michael leans to whisper in my ear as I pop the band on my wrist and bounce my knee.

I nod my head and lick my lips. Suddenly, I’m hyperaware of his nearness. His large hand on my bare thigh, his warm breath tickling my neck.

Maybe my sisters are right. Val and Annabella have only ever looked out for me. I haven’t known Val for long, but she has been genuine with me.

She confirmed the things I already knew about Julissa and made sure to let me know this was the reason she wanted me to come back to Michael. She wanted the woman gone.

“I have trusted them this far,” I whisper to myself.

“What was that?” Michael replies.

Instead of answering him, I place my hand behind his head and join our lips. Michael quickly takes over the kiss and deepens it as he groans into my mouth.

He breaks the kiss with so much lust in his eyes as he looks back at me; the war I’m having with myself is broken. I reach beneath my dress and hook my fingers into my panties as the ladies told me to. Then I lock my gaze with Michael’s and pull the tiny fabric from under the dress.

Once I have them in my grasp, I reach for Michael’s hand and press the tiny scrap into his palm. He looks at me with so much want I shiver. However, I remain focused on my instructions.

