Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

“Oh, shut up,” I chide my thoughts.


Sim spent the entire day out shopping with Val. When they returned Sim had a huge smile on her face. I love seeing her so happy.

I am grateful to Val for taking Sim in so quickly. I can see they are fond of each other and have a fast-building bond. This will be good for Sim, I think.

Her first few days here, she popped that wristband a lot. I’ve come to notice she does it when she is anxious or having difficulty finding what she wants to express. I try to give her time to gather her thoughts when I feel it’s the latter.

“You look like a nervous teen on the way to prom. You have been on dates before. Why are your knickers wound so tight?” Uri says as he walks into the kitchen where I’ve been standing, lost in thought.

“I have never taken Sim on a proper date. I don’t want anything to go wrong.”

“It is good to see you like this. I can see how much she means to you. You’re happier with her around.”

“I should have found another way,” I grumble.

“Don’t beat yourself up. You did what you felt was right for her and look how accomplished she has become. Besides, think about all Leonardo has done trying to get to you both.

“I would have had to bathe Italy in blood and burn it to ash if anything happened to either of you. Her distance gave you focus. You have gone from my baby brother, my shadow, to a man of your own.

“I don’t think you made any mistakes. Don Trovati doesn’t either. He has watched you both. When you are not with him, he still knows of your actions.”

“Thanks, Uri. I needed to hear that. I have big shoes to fill. I don’t think I thought of how enormous this undertaking would be.

“I just saw a kid in need. All I could think about was losing Papa and how we had to live after. How you had to live.

“No one ever stepped in for us. I didn’t want her to have to go through something like that. Not when … you know.

“Someone else would have taken advantage if we didn’t step up. I could see you didn’t want to do it. Seeing you with Val now, I’m glad you didn’t.

“Sim wasn’t the one who needed me. You were right for the job and still are. You were never meant to be in my shadow. I believe we are both on the paths meant for us,” he says.

“Speaking of which, did you know Don Trovati planned to have Don Alfanzo offer me a seat at the table?”

“No, I didn’t know he would be involved. I’ve always been under the impression that this is LaSalle’s thing.”

“It is, but apparently Don Locatelli has a few seats he plans to fill. I have been given one. If you don’t want me to take it or if you would rather I do so you don’t have to⁠—”

“I am a Donati. We are men of our word. I have already accepted my role.

“Do as you wish, Michael. You are a grown man. I have trained you as much as I can.

“What you do from here, you do as your own man. These are your decisions. Yours and Sim’s,” he interrupts me to say.

“There you are. Come, she’s ready. You need to watch her come down for the full effect,” Annabella says excitedly.

I grin and grab the bouquet of red roses from the countertop where I placed them, then I follow my sister to the foyer. Her excitement is infectious. I pull out my pocket watch to check the time.

My grin grows as “Für Elise” begins to play. I never leave home without this watch. I have cherished it since Sim gave it to me. It has been a reminder that, in time, all things fall into sync.

Uri clears his throat beside me, causing me to lift my head. I close my watch in my palm and grasp it tightly. Sim has a nervous smile on her lips, but that’s not what grabs my attention.

It’s her long, silky legs that are on display that have my mouth watering and my slacks growing tight. She has on a pair of red fuck me heels that scream she’s my naughty girl. I have to bite back my reaction when my gaze rises to the garment she’s wearing.

I want to demand she turn around and go change, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings. However, she may get someone hurt before the night is over. She’s wearing what looks like a black sleeveless tux jacket—nothing else.

From this distance, I’m left to wonder if anything is underneath. It molds over her breasts and stops mid-thigh. She has done something different with her hair. Her locs seem to be twisted together in twos and then pulled back away from her face in a high ponytail that hangs down her back.

