Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“Are things not going well with Nikki?” Alric waved him to the chair across the desk.

Gunter took it, readily dropping in. He already felt better with the invitation to talk this over with Alric. “Things are going very well, actually. Surprisingly well.”

“You say surprising because you’re such polar opposites, I assume?”

“I’m an unapologetic introvert, as everyone in the clan knows. Nikki is very much the extrovert. But they can still be good, quiet company when I’m not in the mood to talk. It’s…relaxing, being with them. I guess I always questioned if having a mate would drive me crazy.”

“I wondered too, from time to time. But I think you’ve learned that’s not the case.”

“No. No, I like having them about. Too much, it seems. Nikki went off to a magic lesson today, and I found myself suddenly missing them fiercely even though they’re only two stories away.”

“Ah.” Complete understanding was in Alric’s tone and expression. “That. Yes, that’s something of a pain. I struggle with it still, with Cameron. He’s only on the other end of the castle; it’s not like we’re separated by whole oceans. And yet my dragon’s grumpy because my mate’s not nearby. It’s both exasperating and endearing.”

See, Gunter knew Alric would understand. “How do you deal?”

“I don’t.” Alric chuckled, amused at himself. “I check in with him constantly. Cameron feels the pull just as strongly, as he swings by at least once during the day. Often, it’s not more than five minutes, as our schedules don’t overlap much. Still, those five minutes are enough to quiet the itchy feet. At least for a few hours.”

“But I don’t want to interrupt them,” Gunter complained. Maybe it was a whine, it did go a little high pitched, there. “They’re finally making progress about trusting the other mages. I should leave them be, right?”

“New mates are so cute,” Alric said rhetorically to the air.

“Bite me, Alric.” Gunter slouched in his chair, glaring at his king.

“No, that’s your mate’s job. You’re not having second thoughts about taking them as a mate, are you?”

“Of course I’m fucking not.”

“I had to ask, as you weren’t exactly quick in courting them. Nikki had to basically wear you down.”

Gunter really wished he could refute that, but he couldn’t find a single toe to stand on. “Yes, well, I had my own reasons for moving cautiously. As you know. My main concern is not overwhelming Nikki. I don’t know if Nikki is ready for that step. I’ll take this in stages with them. But I asked them to move properly into my rooms, and Nikki readily did, so I’m hopeful.”

Alric gave him a satisfied nod. “That is a good sign. Nikki’s definitely got some trauma to deal with. I don’t blame you for taking this at a slower pace. But I think if you ask, you’ll get a resounding yes.”

Gunter, in his heart of hearts, believed that to be true. “I’m admittedly a little nervous with them, sometimes. They still have these moments where they have to leave Burkhard for a few hours. Sometimes they’re okay with me going, but sometimes they have to go alone. And I know the root cause, so I’m not giving Nikki grief over it. But…just, dark thoughts. Dark fears. That maybe they’ll not choose to stay, in the end.”

“How much of it is your fears, and how much of it something Nikki has done or said to make you think so?”

“Almost all of it’s on me.” Gunter sighed, sinking further into the chair. “They’ve reassured me, time and again, they’ll never choose to leave me. And I believe them. But I have moments where my heart seizes in terror when I see them go through that castle gate.”

“I understand the fear. We’ve lost too much to take that cavalierly. This is something I urge you to talk properly with Nikki about.”

Gunter nodded, knowing he really should, but unsure how to talk about it without pressuring Nikki. “I feel Nikki’s grown so much since coming here, but sometimes I wonder if that’s truly the case. Did they grow, or did I finally learn more facets of them?”

“I think time will prove both are true.” Alric cocked his head slightly. “Gunter, not to impose my own opinion, but Nikki lived through multiple traumatic events. Have either of you spoken of perhaps seeing a therapist?”

“Tori suggested his own therapist, and I know Nikki has been thinking about it. But I do wonder if the Abe offer anything like that?”

“I believe so. Ask Sora, he’d know best.”

“I’ll do that.” Gunter paused before saying, “How did we function before we had Sora?”

“Badly. Bless Ravi for seducing and mating with him. Our whole clan has been blessed ever since.”

There was a knock at the door, and Baldewin stuck his head in. “I hear voices—oh. It’s Gunter. What prank drove you out this time?”

