Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Nikki pressed several kisses to his forehead, cheeks, and one to Gunter’s mouth, their hands framing his face. There was a smile on Nikki’s face, one tempered with amusement. “You idiot. I knew you were my mate the first time we met on the battlefield.”

The events of the past several weeks spun in a lazy circle and then settled to form a rather different looking picture. Gunter was floored enough by those words he almost staggered in place. What, really?! “Is that why you stuck so stubbornly by me?”

“Of course. I didn’t really understand the feeling then, not at first. I just knew I wanted you, and I liked being with you. I felt very strongly you were the person I should be next to. But I’ve never been in any doubt you’re my mate, Gunter.”

If the wave of relief got any stronger, Gunter would turn into a puddle of it. Right here. He kissed his precious mage, relishing this moment. He’d spent five hundred years waiting for it, and it wasn’t at all what he envisioned, but Gunter finally had his mate in his arms. And he couldn’t complain.

“I love you,” Nikki told him firmly. They glanced back at the car, grimacing. “And I’m apparently scaring you really badly with this habit of mine. I promise you, sweetheart, I’m not trying to leave you. There’s nothing in heaven, hell, or on earth that can force me to leave you. That is absolutely not why I’m out here. I just have to know I can leave.”

“You’ve said this before. But I’m seeing a pattern develop here, Nikki, and it’s not a healthy one. Every time you encounter something that brings up bad memories, you feel the urge to escape. I don’t know if simply giving this time will help you. And…can I be perfectly honest?”

“I expect you to be.”

“This does scare me. It terrifies me. Part of me still fears you choosing not to stay, even though you’ve been adamant about staying with me. But the Jaeggi are constantly attacking us. The fear and anxiety they bring might drive you out. You’re strongly sure it won’t happen, and I believe you, intellectually. But my heart goes into palpitations when I don’t know where you are. I don’t know if I can handle multiple repetitions of this event without my heart failing. Because I don’t know if it’s just you needing a minute outside, or if the Jaeggi have gotten their hands on you again. And I can’t rest easy until I’ve laid eyes on you, made sure you’re safe.”

Nikki’s expression twisted. “I knew it bothered you. I didn’t think of it from that angle. Sorry, Gunter, truly.”

Gunter kissed them, softly. Because he couldn’t say it was alright—it wasn’t—but he wanted Nikki to know he wasn’t angry with them.

“Tori and I talked of me maybe seeing his therapist. I’ve thought it over…and I think it’s a good idea. I don’t know how to untangle myself. There’s a lot I want to work through.”

Gunter had hoped to talk Nikki around to the idea. Hearing them say it unprompted delighted him, as it meant Nikki really had come to terms with the idea on their own. That was the best mindset for therapy, no question. “I’m completely supportive of this idea. I’ll drive you in to the sessions myself until you’re completely comfortable driving. I might even join you on a few.”

“Yeah?” Nikki’s head canted to the side before nodding slowly. “That’ll be good.”

“For now, though, how about we go back inside?”

“I’m all for that. Uh, Gunter?” Nikki let go of his neck to give the car a sheepish look. “Can you put the car back into the garage for me? I got out here and realized I’m not all that comfortable backing it up, and there’s not really enough space to turn around here.”

“Oh. Is that why you were just sitting here?”

“Well, I was enjoying the view, too. I would have called you in a minute to come rescue me.”

Laughing, Gunter pressed a kiss against their forehead. “Yes, I’ll put it away for you. Then come back to the room. I want to spend time with you.”

Nikki perked up hopefully. “Sexy time?”

“If you like.” Gunter adored that expression. He was also rather heated up by it. Sexy time with Nikki was always good.

“How about I run ahead? I’ll be nice and naked on our bed by the time you get to me.”

Gunter didn’t even need to think about that one. He just slapped Nikki on the ass and urged, “Go.”

Laughing like the maniac they were, Nikki took off, running for their room.

Gunter had never parked a car so fast in his life. And he was practically sprinting back to their rooms, where he dove inside and promptly locked it. No interruptions tonight were allowed.

