Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Nikki nodded firmly. “I’m happy to help, you know that. I don’t want them to escape any more than you do.”

“I know. Thank you. I think it will be more than me at this meeting, as a few people mentioned wanting to talk to you.” Alric turned his eyes to Gunter. “Come with them, please. I think you’ll hold some of the answers as well. And you need to be part of the conversation anyway.”

“Of course, we’ll both be there,” Gunter agreed, all signs of his earlier outrage completely gone.

Nikki decided to voice a question they’d been harboring for some time. “When you do find the Jaeggi, what are you going to do? It’ll be hard to turn them in to the police.”

All three dragons looked at them as if Nikki had lost their god given mind.

“No, no, no,” Ravi protested with a wave of the hand. “I mean, the police are nice, but no way they can handle this. And this has been a long time coming. I mean, a loooong time coming. In times like these, the clan’s got a motto.”

The king of the Fire Dragons gave a regal nod. “When in doubt, burn it up.”

Nikki imagined in their mind’s eye burning the Jaeggi right to the ground in a rain of dragon fire. Wow, what an amazing image. Totally cool, they could get right behind that. “That is the best family motto ever.”

“We like it,” Gunter said with false modesty. “I’m sure there will be room for some explosions if you want to join in.”

Nikki beamed, almost giddy with the possibility. “Really big explosions?”

“I insist on it.”

Unable to resist, Nikki cuddled against his shoulder and sighed happily. “You say such sweet words. I think I’ll keep you.”

Gunter just chuckled. But he patted Nikki’s head in easy affection, which Nikki took happily. “So easy to please. We’ll see you shortly, Hoheit.”

As Alric requested, they went to his office after lunch for the meeting. Gunter walked at Nikki’s side, trying to gauge their mood. Ever since this morning, Nikki had seemed a little…put out with him? It wasn’t anything Nikki had said or done to give him the impression, just this vibe in the air. And Nikki was normally more present with him. More vivacious in getting Gunter’s attention. This morning, they hadn’t even tried to get his attention.

It was puzzling.

Mostly because Gunter could think of several things he had done to earn Nikki’s ire.

For instance, it was quite possible he snored. And with Nikki sneaking in nightly, there was no way the mage was getting enough sleep. And Gunter wasn’t always good company while awake, for that matter.

Really, Gunter didn’t know what to do with Nikki. He’d read a book on psychology and trauma to see if it’d help any, and it sort of had? But Nikki flatly did not talk about their experience with the Jaeggi unless asked direct questions. It didn’t give Gunter a good insight of how to help.

He didn’t think it was trauma-related, though, Nikki’s mood this morning. Rather, it seemed to be caused by something Gunter had done. Or failed to do?

It couldn’t possibly be the kiss after the shoe-rescue thing, could it? Gunter hadn’t known how to respond, as Nikki had been half-teasing. And half-something. It was the something Gunter wasn’t sure how to read.

Why were people so difficult to understand?

With Alric’s door right there, he was out of time to figure this out. Gunter would have to think about it more later. The door stood open, clearly an invitation while everyone inside waited for the last arrivals. Gunter stepped confidently through, Nikki perfectly in step with him.

Thankfully, Alric had chosen to eschew the usual long meeting table. Everyone was gathered in a variety of comfortable chairs and sofas, giving the meeting a more informal and inviting feel. Alric was, of course, already there, seated in his favorite spot on a well-worn leather love seat with Cameron tucked in against his side. Cassie also sat nearby in a wingback chair, although she was focused intently on her phone, oblivious to the rest of the room.

The kings were present—Rodrigo, white-blond hair swept back from his tanned face, looking the part of a charming gentleman. Chalo, big as life with his bodybuilder frame, his nose a touch too large for his narrow face, and the lungpower to go with his large size. And finally, tall and wiry Roca, with his blunt features and too-perceptive eyes. Lisette also sat nearby with Dieter, both of them ensconced in the low chairs near the table, their preferred place to be in this room. It seemed he and Nikki were the last to arrive.

“Ah, excellent.” Alric waved them closer. “Nikki, I promise, just a few more questions. Please, sit with us for a moment.”

Nikki did, choosing one of the open spots on the love seat opposite Alric and Cameron. It was likely left open on purpose so they could sit together.

