Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“How do you expect your brain to function if you don’t feed it what it needs?” Nikki asked, the eyebrow not dropping.

“How do you even know that?”

“TV, how else do you think I know that?”

Gunter rolled his eyes again, expressively, but the next bite he took was of the vegetables.

Satisfied, Nikki let him eat, smiling as they returned to their own food.

“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? Tis The Gunter, having crawled forth from his dungeon,” called out a familiar voice above the din, and Nikki had to swallow back his laughter.

“That is the worst rendition of Romeo and Juliet I’ve ever heard,” Gunter accused.

“But you still recognized it,” Ravi drawled as he joined them across the table. “I felt like drama should reflect the moment. After all, we have Gunter eating. In the dining hall. Again.”

“You make it sound like I’m the missing element in a whodunnit mystery,” Gunter countered dryly.

“I’m certainly mystified so that fits.” Ravi wore an outrageous grin, as usual.

The last of Nikki’s earlier anger evaporated at the appearance of Ravi. He had the best sense of humor, making it hard to stay angry when he was near.

“I can only think of one reason why you’re joining us for every meal.” Ravi threw out a fist toward Nikki to bump. “Good job.”

Nikki bumped, grinning. “What? We all have to eat.”

“No, not arguing, but I seriously have seen Gunter more times this week than I usually see him in a year. It’s miraculous, I tell you. I haven’t had to think of a single prank to get him out of the dungeon since your arrival.”

Gunter paused, outrage spreading over his face. “Do you mean to tell me that if I just showed up regularly to meals, you would leave my library alone?”

“Dude.” Ravi gave him such a look, Nikki nearly burst out laughing. “Why do you think I prank you? I mean, aside from the fact that you have super fun reactions. It’s to make you actually leave that room. Before you become the first dragon hermit.”

“I wouldn’t be, there was a dragon hermit back in—not the point. Ravi, you could have just said that!”

“We have ALL said that, Gunter. So many times we’ve lost track.” Ravi gestured broadly at him. “I knew he wasn’t listening. Ladies, gentlemen, and gentlefolk, prime example right here. If Gunter grunts at you or gives you one-word answers, he’s not listening!”

Some voice in the crowd called out, “Tell us something we don’t know, Ravi!”

Alric walked toward the table, a mounded-over plate in hand, mischief dancing in his eyes and lurking in his smile.

“Gunter, tell me, to what do I owe this miraculous moment? I’ve now crossed paths with you four times in the dining hall this week. How do I make sure this continues?”

“Not you too.” Gunter sighed loudly.

Proving Alric was not slow on the uptake, he gave Nikki a solemn nod. “Good job. With Nikki keeping an eye on you, I might finally remove the reminder from my calendar to have Ravi drag you from your dungeon.”

Gunter gasped in what sounded like horror. “Do not encourage him! I don’t need Ravi down there heckling me.”

See? They got it. They completely saw that Gunter’s behaviors had changed because of Nikki. They all seemed to be aware, too, that Nikki lusted after Gunter’s sexy self. It wasn’t like Nikki was being subtle, here. Why Gunter seemed oblivious frustrated Nikki to no end. Were they just not giving the right signals? Was Gunter not interested and pretending to be ignorant to make things easier?

One look at Gunter’s face proved he really didn’t get it.

Nikki sighed, shoulders slumping. Maybe a cluebat was called for. Nikki was fairly sure, if asked, Ravi would be able to provide one instantly. He was the type to have cluebats around.

“In all seriousness”—Alric’s teasing look faded as he looked at Nikki—“I did stop by for a reason. Nikki, can you join me in my study in about half an hour?”

Nikki had no idea what this was about, but the man had opened his home to them and didn’t ask for a single thing in return except information. Nikki was happy to return the favor whenever they could. “Of course. Why?”

“I feel like I haven’t asked you enough questions.” Alric’s dark brows beetled together for a moment. “Or I should say, I feel like I didn’t ask you the right questions. What happened when you were out on the scouting mission disturbs me. Even with your precautions and paranoia, you almost got injured. We’ve examined what you brought back, and it’s only partially given us answers. We must go back and examine the area again, determine if there’s anything else to help us. I don’t want more injuries, but we must finish this before the Jaeggi vanish into the woodwork.”

