Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Oh. Oh they did not.

“You’re going to pay for that, mage,” Gunter growled, already chasing after them.

Nikki’s grin was full of challenge, tossed over their shoulder without a care in the world. “You’ll have to catch me, dragon.”

Gunter would catch them, alright. And then pay back the teasing tenfold.

Nikki would not be shown any mercy.

Nor would the flutter of his heart or the twist in his stomach.

Or the preening of his dragon. Stupid old lizard.

Ravi caught Nikki just as they stood from the lunch table, swooping in on them like they were prey. Ravi the hawk. Or dragon, in this case.

“Nikki! Favorite person of mine, come explore the castle with me. I think there’s people you still haven’t met yet.”

Nikki eyed him sideways. While the words sounded innocent enough, it did not match Ravi’s expression. Not one iota. And they found it very suspicious Ravi was catching them the one time Gunter had left Nikki alone at the table. “You say explore, and yet I hear trouble.”

“It’s because you are as wise as you are fair.” Ravi waggled his eyebrows in a truly outrageous fashion. “You in?”

“Always.” Nikki held out an arm, like a lord escorting a fair lady to a ball.

Ravi linked arms without a second of hesitation, matching pace with Nikki as they merrily skipped out of the dining hall like they hadn’t a care in the world.

“How are you doing, old married man?” Nikki couldn’t help but ask. Ravi seemed…well, he glowed, really.

“Couldn’t be better. Well, I’d like it if we had no enemies to face—that way I could get down to the important things. Like convincing Sora we need a dozen kids.”

Nikki considered that. And the safety of the world in general. Absolutely nothing about that visual panned out well. A dozen Ravis…oh boy. “What does your husband say?”

“That he doesn’t have enough energy to keep up with a dozen of me. Which is so rude.” Ravi laughed, proving he wasn’t the slightest bit insulted. “Anyway, married life is awesome. I highly recommend it for everyone. I noticed your friend—Dominique?—has got Seb following her around like a faithful dog.”

Nikki hadn’t noticed but had also been preoccupied with Gunter. To be fair, Gunter was very, very distracting.

“Do you think she’ll stay?”

“I think she wants to.” Nikki shrugged. “When I asked her, she said she didn’t really have any other place to go. And Burkhard has been very welcoming to all of us.”

“You say that, but you’ve not really left the dungeon much, either.”

Nikki thought about explaining their late-night strolls, then thought better of it. “I have explored some.”

“But not enough for you to comfortably think of this as home, right? So, let’s change a little of that today.” Ravi pulled them through the back doors and into the area where the greenhouses lined up. At this hour of the day, the afternoon sun glinted off the glass roofs in a pretty picture. “We’ll start here. Can’t work magic if you don’t know your own spell ingredients, or so my husband likes to say.”

“You enjoyed saying ‘my husband,’” Nikki accused him, grinning.

Ravi winked back. “Very, very much. Get used to me saying it. Ad nauseum. Alright, we’re here! Now, what do you recognize?”

The greenhouse was a very different place in broad daylight. At night it had been hushed and still, the air moist from the sprayers, like some sort of dark jungle. But in full light, it looked like a very tropical, magical greenhouse. Some of the plants were definitely trying to grow up the wall and escape out of the ceiling, and that one over there leaned over the aisles as if ready to consume the unwary. But overall, it was a pleasant experience to just stand there.

“I recognize basically nothing.” Nikki turned their head right and left, shrugging ignorance. “I haven’t been around plants much.”

“Yeah? Then let’s read the little plaque cards. There’s got to be a few.” Ravi leaned down and started shuffling leaves to either side, basically putting his nose into the soil. “Huh. I don’t see any. TORI!”

Nikki jumped a little. Damn, Ravi could be loud.

“What?” an aggravated male voice called back.

“Where’s my info cards?”

“This isn’t a damn exhibit, you crazy lizard.” A man came around the far aisle, wearing a white t-shirt with some serious dirt smudges on it and loose-fitting jeans, holding a trowel in one hand. He was handsome, no question with skin a little on the pale side, dark hair in a fade, and incredibly penetrating light grey eyes.

Nikki blinked in surprise, coming face to face with another mage like this so unexpectedly. They edged a little toward the door, angling so they could dart outside in a second if need be.

But the mage didn’t seem to take any real notice of them. He walked toward Ravi, chastising like an older brother would a younger sibling. “Why the hell would I go through that kind of time and trouble? And what are you doing rummaging around in my greenhouse anyway?”

