Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Nikki shook their head. “Nope. It was just the three of us. There was zero mention of any other family. I kind of got the impression my parents weren’t originally from Ridderkerk, but I don’t know anything more than that. It was all sort of vague mentions of needing to learn where something was, or that it wasn’t like home. I don’t remember them mentioning where they grew up.”

Gunter nodded and made a new note. He might be able to pull records such as birth certificates or maybe a marriage license to help track down the rest of Jan and Anika’s families. If there were grandparents or even siblings, they might be happy to know Nikki was alive and thriving. And it would give the Burkhard dragons a new avenue to research for more mages.

“I will say that you speak impeccable German. Do you remember any Dutch?”

The mage frowned, head shaking a little from side to side. “Not really. Bits and pieces, but I haven’t spoken it in years. They didn’t like me speaking it because so few of them spoke Dutch. They immediately started teaching me German.”

“I could—” Gunter broke off as his eyes truly focused on the bit of fabric in Nikki’s lap. It wasn’t just some random scrap. Nikki was holding his sweater. His favorite sweater. It had disappeared off his chair and he’d been looking everywhere for it over the past week. “That’s my sweater!”

Gunter jumped to his feet and closed the distance between them, his hand outstretched to take his sweater. With eyes wide and face flushed, Nikki jumped and scooted half behind the chair, the sweater clutched to their chest with both hands.

“Now, Gunter, share!” Nikki flashed him a teasing grin. “It’s cold down here. And you don’t need it; you’re a warm fire dragon.”

“Nikki, it is one of my very favorite sweaters, and I will have it back.” Gunter tried to reach around the chair for it, but Nikki continued to elude his grasp, which was damn impressive since Gunter was a good half-foot taller.

“I can always give it back later. When I’m not cold.” Ducking under his arm, Nikki deftly climbed across the table without dislodging a single paper or book and hopped down on the other side.

“Nikki!” Gunter shouted.

Nikki glanced over their shoulder, teasing grin in full force.

It wasn’t at all about the sweater. Nikki was enjoying the game of chase, that’s all this was. And Gunter, despite realizing this, couldn’t seem to stop himself from chasing.

Although, really, of all things to grab, it had to be that? The thing needed to be properly washed. While fire dragons didn’t typically feel the cold, there were days when Gunter needed the extra coziness when the skies were dark overhead or if he was feeling a bit lonely or melancholy.

Did Nikki care about that? Not one iota.

Gunter eyed them, moving slowly around the table.

On the other side, Nikki moved the opposite direction like a mirror reaction, carefully watching Gunter with narrowed eyes.

“I can buy you a comfy, warm sweater,” Gunter tried.

“But this one’s all broken in,” Nikki countered. “And available now.”

“It needs to be washed.”

“So I’ll wash it for you. Later. And then give it back.”

“Have you washed things before?”


“Did they come out intact?”

“I mean, sometimes they shrank down to bunny size. But I’m magical, I can fix it.” Nikki waved their fingers at him like a stage magician.

Gunter did not trust them at all now. He lunged again, this time almost catching the tail end of the sweater.

But alas, no luck. Nikki was faster than Gunter gave them credit for. They were out of reach in a second.

Some prey-drive instinct clicked in Gunter’s head, and the chase was on. They went round and round the table multiple times before Nikki broke for the shelves, darting into the stacks. Gunter was hot on their heels, as they knew this area far better than Nikki.

In seconds, Nikki outmaneuvered themself, and Gunter was quick to take advantage. When Nikki realized their error and the dead end awaiting them, they tried to turn. But Gunter got a hand planted on either side of them, caging them against the bookshelves, a sense of victory pulsing in his veins. Ha! Caught them this time.

“Caught you,” Gunter purred in satisfaction. “My sweater, if you will.”

Nikki did look trapped, their eyes darting about to find an escape route. But it was only for a second, and then that mischief Gunter was coming to know so well peeked out.

Skies above. Now what was going through their head?

Between one heartbeat and the next, Nikki popped up on tiptoes, pressing a kiss right on his mouth. Gunter startled so much he jerked back on instinct.

Nikki instantly took advantage of Gunter’s surprise. Ducking low, they spun free and sprinted off again, a laugh trailing in their wake.

