Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)


This was bad.

Nikki really had no idea what to do with themself.

It was a combination of being in a new place—a territory they didn’t know yet—and not having anything assigned to them. With the Jaeggi, Nikki had mostly been a magical battery, but even still, they’d had a routine of chores they were responsible for. Not that Nikki missed the routine whatsoever, but having something to do would be nice.

The main problem was Nikki had only dreamed of being free. And those dreams had mostly been wrapped up in totally unrealistic ideas of a dragon swooping in and saving them from the evil Jaeggi, falling instantly in love with Nikki, then flying them both off into the sunset. The dreams may have gotten a boost a month ago when the interview with King Alric and Consort Cameron came out.

Nikki maaaay have watched it a few hundred times.

Anyway, Nikki had no idea what to do with all this newfound freedom. Typically, all Nikki had been allowed to do was watch television and read books. Anything internet-related had been strictly off-limits, and even their board games, television channels, and books had been carefully screened. None of that was in play at Burkhard. Nikki hadn’t been given a single restriction yet. And frankly, was quite wary of it. They’d been completely left to their own devices all day today. And yesterday. And the day before that. It was afternoon now, and not once had someone come looking for them. On the one hand: ooooh. All the possibilities.

On the other, it didn’t make any sense.

No one housed and fed a complete stranger without wanting something from them. That lesson had been engraved into Nikki’s soul. The dragons would rescue a mage, of course, no question. But then what? What did they intend to do with Nikki? What about the Burkhard mages? Nikki didn’t really think they could be trusted, but…the dragons trusted them. Which said something, there. None of this made sense.

So, what could Nikki do from here?

Nikki was the boss of themself. And that was absolutely the problem.

Well, at the very least, they could get the lay of the land. The castle was huge; there didn’t seem to be any handy map of the place, and not knowing the ins and outs of it made Nikki’s skin crawl. Absolutely, number one priority was to figure this place out. Maybe check in with the other mages who had been rescued.

They started at their room, given to them by the lovely Gunter, and took a right. Nikki paid strict attention to where their feet went, mapping the route mentally as they walked. But part of their brain was on Gunter.

If Nikki had ever created a dedicated star in the dragon-rescue-daydream, he would have looked a lot like Gunter. Nikki had a severe weakness for men with ice-blond hair, broody looks, and muscles.

Geralt of Rivia.



Ahem. Anyway. Nikki’s weakness was well known and established at this point. Gunter fit that mold to a tee. When Ravi had handed Nikki over to Gunter for safe-keeping, Nikki may have capitalized on the moment and clung a bit more than was called for.

But Gunter hadn’t been annoyed in response. Surprised, definitely—that had been clear in those ice-blue eyes. Worried about Nikki. And sweet, so sweet. He’d clearly been out of his depth, not sure how to handle the situation, but willing to do whatever necessary to help Nikki feel safe. And not once had he tried to take advantage, even though Nikki had handed him several opportunities.

Under that gruff exterior was a heart of gold. Nikki may have developed an instantaneous crush. Just a little bit.

Not that they knew what to do with it. Gunter didn’t seem to be mated, but he also didn’t seem to be interested. And Nikki had never been in this position before, of finding someone they wanted to pursue.

And should they? Nikki might need to escape from here, too, since it was still unclear what the Burkhards wanted to do with them.

Although they really hoped not. Because Gunter was truly lovely.

Nikki found their way down one level to another, wrapping around the perimeter of the castle through connecting hallways. They tracked their progress through the view of the windows—truly beautiful mountains up here. Nikki itched to go exploring outside, too. Not that they had any experience exploring nature. There was much they hadn’t been allowed to do in their life. And with no one watching them, the freedom to do whatever crossed their mind was there.

Right. Map out castle first, then outside.

They were on the third level of the castle when Nikki spied a familiar face, a woman sitting on an outside balcony with her face tilted up toward the sun. She looked in far better condition than Nikki had last seen her, her magical core in the recovery stage instead of looking like a ghost of itself. Someone had attended to her—and done it very well.

