Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

No one else seemed to realize the problem. And it might be that no one else could help Nikki sort through all of this and come to a better place for the sole reason that Nikki might not trust them enough. But Nikki trusted Gunter, that was clear. He wasn’t clear on how he’d earned this trust, but he most certainly had it.

This wasn’t something Gunter would normally choose to do—be a support buddy, that was. Gunter felt ill-equipped for helping anyone through mental issues. But a precious mage needed his help, and nothing else took precedence over that.

Gunter re-evaluated the work he had scheduled himself for today. Truly, all of it could wait. Getting Nikki more comfortable in the clan took precedence over any other work he had lined up.

“Nikki, what country are you from originally?” Best to start there.

“Eh? Uh…” Nikki blinked at him. “That question came out of nowhere. The Netherlands, why?”

“If I’m to help you start all that paperwork, we need your birth certificate and such.” Gunter pulled out his phone and called Cassie, then put it on speaker.

“Speak,” Cassie deadpanned.

“Cassie, I want to help Nikki put together all the right paperwork to get them into the clan here. They said they’re originally from the Netherlands What do we do next?”

“First, thank you mucho for taking that on. I am drowning in immigration forms right now, no joke. People in this clan need to learn how to Google things. I’m not kidding. I can send you the links to the right websites and forms. Just fill those out, get those rolling. We’ll need to request copies of Nikki’s records before we can do much of anything.”

“Alright. What else?”

“That’s literally the only thing you can do until we have copies of birth certificates and stuff. Maybe get Nikki more stuff? I know they went shopping the other day for some essentials, but I dunno anyone who can get everything they want or need in just one shopping trip.”

That was an excellent point. “Thanks, Cassie. I’ll wait for those links.”

“Sure thing. Look for them tomorrow. Today Cassie has no time to go hunting for them.”

“Alright.” Gunter hung up and stared thoughtfully at the phone for a second. Shopping, eh? She was right, just one shopping trip wouldn’t be enough to get Nikki everything they needed.

And he had a hunch Nikki had only gone for essentials.

Making a snap decision, he stood and gestured for Nikki to get up. “Let’s go take you shopping properly.”

Nikki didn’t move immediately. Instead, they looked at Gunter as if he’d lost his mind. “I really am fine, though. I got enough clothes to last me a week. What else do I need?”

Only a week’s worth of clothes…Gunter shook his head in exasperation. Nikki had a lot to learn. But arguing would only put the mage’s back up. Better to dangle the right bait instead. “Don’t you want art supplies?”

Nikki’s eyes flashed down to the legal pad and the pencil sketch. The longing was instant.

“There’s an art store in town.” Gunter gave it another second, letting it sink in before adding, “I know they carry canvases, paints, all sorts of mediums. Wouldn’t you rather paint that scene?”

“I’ve…never had paints.” Nikki looked wistful at the idea, though, not resistant.

“We can stop by a bakery and get sweets on the way back.”

Nikki only needed another second before they were out of their seat. “Okay, I’m sold.”

Never let it be said Gunter didn’t know the way to a mage’s heart.

Gunter would rather be shopping again with Nikki than out here, trying to pick up the Jaeggi’s trail again, but needs must. He set down to earth gently, not wanting to jar his passenger. Even as he landed, he kept a wary eye on the abandoned place in front of him, his lip curled in a warning snarl as he settled his wings close to his deep sangria red scales. The last conflict with the Jaeggi had occurred here, and it bore the signs, Nikki’s explosion well in evidence. Black marks crisscrossed the walls and ground from shrapnel that shredded like a destructive flower blooming violently. The buildings reflected evidence of dragon fire, areas now completely hollowed out with destruction. Magic was evident, too—the spells that had torn at the buildings and pavement, the crumbled areas where dragons had physically attacked. The town was a husk of what it had been, making the area look like a desolate battleground.

Which, in essence, it was.

It had taken this long to settle everyone in, what with the damage the rescued mages had faced, and the injuries of the battle itself. Nikki, too, seemed to be ready now, as they faced it all without flinching. The downtime had been good for them.

However, it had been a good two weeks since the battle, and the passing days had carried no hint of the Jaeggi.

