Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)


Dirty sat in the hospital room and looked at a sleeping Fritz. There was no way of knowing if the man was in any kind of hell. The medically induced coma had stuck, even when he was supposed to be waking up.

The doctors had said it was a risk, and now it was a very real risk they were facing. Dirty didn’t want to think of Fritz not ever waking up, but it was turning out to be a very real possibility.

“You okay?”

He turned to see Colt entering the room. Colt had wanted to come and visit Fritz. The only way to make that happen for Warden, was to have several men assisting them. Warden had a suspicion that Colt was a target, and they now had to keep him safe. Not that it was a problem for anyone taking care of Colt. Dirty would die for any club brother, Colt included. He didn’t give a shit if Colt was the president’s son or not. He was club, and that meant he would always protect him with his life.

“Yeah, I’m okay, but this isn’t right. Fritz shouldn’t be here.”

“I know,” Colt said.

Colt came to stand beside him.

“I just … I keep thinking there was more we could have done, you know?”

“Yeah, I do. I just don’t know what.”

Clicking his tongue, he stood up and began to pace the room. “What do we know?” Dirty said. “Think about it. Fritz had to be closing in.”

“And Predator is too much of a dumb fuck to be running things,” Colt said. “He had the perfect opportunity to take out Mom, and even Petal. Let’s face it, my mom’s death would start a war, but he hesitated.”

Dirty rubbed his temples. “He had to have been waiting for orders.”

“But Petal said nothing happened. No phone call, nothing.”

“That she saw,” Dirty said. “What if he was being fed orders through an earpiece or something? You know, military shit or whatever. We know Diablo works for Don Stefano Napoli, so that proves the connection to the mafia, and they’re known for tagging people, stalking, getting to know everything. They’d have the equipment for this.”

“Which puts us right back to knowing that Daemon at some point was working for the mafia,” Colt said.

“So why did he join us? What was his goal?” Dirty asked. “We knew it was all a lie from the beginning, but why get Gabrielle and Rosalie involved?”

They stared at each other and Colt frowned. “Unless getting Rosalie killed was his plan from the start.”

Dirty looked toward him. “What?”

“Think about it. The man was obsessed with Gabrielle. It wasn’t a sane obsession. He would do anything for Gabrielle. The man butchered his own son because of her death. What if that day it was meant to be me and Rosalie? He’d blame the club, which would start an all-out war, right? He would attack, take out our club, using the manpower with the mafia, and he’d get Gabrielle.” Colt laughed.

Dirty couldn’t look away. “Are you trying to tell me our club’s demise is all on the basis of him getting a woman?”

“That, and the club.”

“But what the fuck does the mafia have to do with this?” Dirty asked.

“They’re friends.”

Dirty shook his head. “No, that is too easy. There is something here that isn’t right. It stinks. You’ve got to see that too.”

“I do see it, but what more is there?”

“It makes no sense. Daemon was not the kind of guy to play nice with. They were not a club known for making deals with mafia people that would benefit them. None of it makes sense. It makes more sense for us to have a closer relationship with Don Stefano Napoli.” Dirty rubbed his temples. “We’re missing something here.”

“But that also explains how the Evil Fuckers MC got out and why they haven’t needed to return to their compound.”

“They’ve got the backing of Don Stefano Napoli. He’s keeping them somewhere.”

Colt glanced toward the bed. “Fritz must have been on to it.”

“All the information on the computers has been wiped. We have no way of knowing any of this shit. No one even knows what Don Stefano Napoli looks like,” Dirty said. “The man is a ghost. There are rare glimpses, but all those images are pixelated and there’s nothing.”

“Something stinks here and it doesn’t add up.” Colt moved closer to Fritz. “Look, man, I know you’ve been through hell and back. I get it. We all get it, but we need you. We need you to wake up and do what you do best, tell us what we’re all missing here. Brother, we’re all here for you.” Colt put his hand on Fritz’s shoulder. “It shouldn’t have happened to him.”

Dirty didn’t even need to wake him to know he didn’t give anything away. It wouldn’t have been hard to find Colt’s address. Fritz was one of them, through and through.

