Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“He’s going to be okay,” Kim said, stepping into the room and closing the door quietly.

Warden didn’t say a word.

His wife knew he was pissed. She walked over to Fritz’s side. To help with the pain and the healing, the doctors had placed him in a medically induced coma. Fritz kept going in and out of consciousness, and each time he came around, he’d thrash and scream.

Fritz was okay now, but what did that mean for the future?

He sat back and stared at the handiwork, running a finger along his bottom lip.

“What’s wrong?” Kim asked.

“This is not Deamon’s handiwork.”

“It’s not?”

“No. This is a hired professional.” Warden knew the MO. The pulled teeth, the rib fractures, being hung, bleeding, waiting to die. He’d not seen the man’s handiwork, but he knew who he was.

“Who is it?” Kim asked.

“It’s a hired professional, goes by the name Diablo. There are channels you can use, there always are, to hire him, but he’s … big, we’re talking mafia big.”

Kim frowned. “Mafia? We’ve never had a run-in with the mafia.”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean Daemon didn’t have a connection.” Warden looked toward his wife.

“Wait, are you telling me the Evil Fuckers MC are not working for themselves?”

Warden rubbed his temple. If the mafia was involved, this just took it up to the level of personal vendetta.

“Where’s Colt?” Warden asked.

Chapter Seventeen

“Dad, whoa, what’s the big deal?” Colt asked, answering the phone. His dad was talking so fast.

“I need you to get out of the house right now.”

“My house?”

“Son, tell me right now, are you at home?”

Rosalie moaned and he felt her move as she sat up in bed.

“No, we’re not home, why?” None of this made sense. His father was talking in riddles.

They hadn’t gone back to his place. Rosalie didn’t want to leave Petal alone, so they were now at her mom’s old place, where Petal lived. He’d not wanted to come back here, but it was too long a drive, and he was tired. Rosalie didn’t sleep well at night, and each time she moved, he was worried.

“Your house is about to take a hit.”

“Wait, what?”

He climbed out of bed and started to pull his pants on.

“Colt, what’s going on?” Rosalie asked.

“I don’t have time to explain, but I need you and Rosalie to stay where you are. I’m going to send Pirate and Myth to go and check.”

“Dad, I’ll go and check. We’re good. No, don’t send—” His father hung up, and Colt gritted his teeth. He hated when his dad did this.

“Colt, what is going on?” Rosalie asked.

“I have no idea. My dad is talking in riddles. None of what he is saying is making sense.” He rubbed the back of his head and quickly pulled on his socks, followed by boots.

Within seconds Petal was opening the door. “Is everything okay?”

He was used to Petal just randomly opening doors, asking if things were okay. There was a time he was a little pissed about it, but now he didn’t mind.

“I don’t know what is going on. Dad just called—”

He didn’t get a chance to finish as Dirty suddenly appeared, dressed in a pair of boxer briefs.

“Colt, man, your house is on fire.”

This had his wife climbing off the bed. “What? No, that is, no, that can’t be happening!” Rosalie was already reaching for her clothes, and Colt started to leave the bedroom.

“Rosalie, you cannot come with me. I’m going to check it out.”

“You’re crazy. I am not sitting home twiddling my thumbs while our house is on fire. This can’t be happening.”

He turned to Petal.

“Go,” Petal said. “I’ve got this.”

He moved fast, heading downstairs. Dirty had somehow managed to get on a pair of pants and his leather cut. The only person he trusted to keep Rosalie safe was Petal. She’d keep her here, and he didn’t want her to see their house if it was burning.

Leaving Petal’s home, he climbed onto the bike, revved his engine, and took off, riding fast and hard to get to his place. He didn’t even need to get there to see the smoke rising.

By the time he arrived, several of the club was there, along with a bunch of fire crew, who were already working to extinguish the fire. His father was there already.

“What the fuck?” Colt asked.

His dad held him back.

“I’ve got you, son.”

“No, this shit can’t be happening.” He saw his home, his and Rosalie’s place, burning.

This was … what the hell had happened? There was nothing he could do but watch the smoke engulf it, knowing there were a whole lot of memories, his and Rosalie’s, along with her mother’s that had been taken from them.



It had been a long time since Warden had declared a lockdown, bringing the men, along with those associated to the club, to the main clubhouse. Petal was staying in his room. She had been the one to collect Tanya and Leanna. They were not willing to risk anyone else getting hurt.

