Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Rosalie smiled. “I’m not feeling sick right now, and besides, I feel like I don’t get to see you a lot anymore. We rarely hang out.”

Petal looked toward her best friend. “That is because you’re very pregnant, and you’re still getting to know Colt, and it has been crazy. I can’t believe I’m currently living in an MC clubhouse. This is new.”

Her friend laughed and came to join her. “I should have known if there was anyone who could fix this mess, it would be you.” She rested her head on her shoulder. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been … good. Better than good.”

“I know you’re in Dirty’s room. Is he being a gentleman or do I have to kick his ass?”

Petal laughed and patted her friend’s hand. “You don’t have to worry about me and Dirty. We’re making it work.”

“Making it work? Does that mean you and Dirty are back together?”

“I don’t know what it means for Dirty and me, but we’re doing better.”

“And is this what you want?” Rosalie asked.

Petal stopped and thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, I think it is.”

“Even after everything?”

She lowered the shirt she was holding and glanced over to her friend. “Do I need to remind you exactly what your husband was like, and how he left you on your wedding night? That same man who threatened to make your life miserable is now the father of your child, and if I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard you tell him you love him?” Petal mockingly gasped.

“That’s different.”

“It is?”

“Yeah, that … was … it’s complicated.”

“And now it’s not complicated. Dirty and I have complications, but we’re going to work through them. It’s no different.”

“You have a choice, Petal. You could get away from this.” Rosalie grabbed her arms and stopped her from folding a pair of boxer briefs. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and my mom is gone, and you’re free. You have no true ties to the MC, and you don’t have to be living your life like this. You know there is a death threat on the club, right? Anyone associated with it … and this was not supposed to happen. You’re a free woman. You have the right to go and do whatever the hell you want, free from all of this.” Rosalie looked half possessed as she spoke. Petal reached and stroked a finger through her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

“No, you’re wrong. The moment you and I became friends was the moment I was all in.”


“Stop it,” Petal said, cutting her off. “I am not angry. I’m not disappointed or upset. Sure, our life didn’t exactly go according to plan, but whose really does? Men were not meant to get involved with our lives, and yet they are. You’ve got Colt, and I’ve got Dirty. This is not what either of us wanted, but it is what we’ve got, and I am okay with that. I like working at the diner. I like it even more that we’re running the diner. We don’t have to dodge the wayward hands of the boss. We’re our own boss, with limits, I know, but it’s better than nothing. You’re happy. I’m finding my happy.”

“But what Dirty did…”

“It’s no different than what Colt did, not really, and you found it in your heart to forgive him, right?”

“He’s my husband.”

“And Dirty’s … mine.” Petal shrugged. “I’m happy. Don’t feel sad or guilty. You’re my best friend, and I wouldn’t change what has happened. I mean, there are some things I would have changed, but we can’t. We’ve got to embrace what we’ve got, and we’ve got to make this work for us.”

“Petal, I love you,” Rosalie said.

She held onto her friend and frowned. “I’m starting to have my doubts on your kind of love. I mean, you’re trying to get rid of my ass. That is not love.”

Rosalie began to laugh and cry at the same time. “I would miss you, and I’m trying to be selfless here. You have a right to your own life, far from all of this. I want to see you get everything your heart desires. I don’t want anything to hold you back.”

“Nothing is going to hold me back, Rosalie. I’m right where I want to be.”

She held onto her friend, hugging her tightly.

Seconds passed, then minutes before Rosalie finally let go, and Petal finished folding the laundry with her help.

“So, you and Dirty, huh?”

Petal laughed. “I am so not giving you the details here.”

“Is he treating you right?”

“Yeah, he really is.”

“Better than last time?”

“Much better.”

Rosalie laughed. “I never thought you and I would be doing laundry for a bunch of guys, while talking about the men in our lives.”

“Well, to make it equal, is Colt treating you right?”

“He’s treating me like a queen.”

“Good. That means for another week, he can live with his dick.”

