Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Anyone associated with the club got the benefits of the club. If someone was struggling, the club was there. That was the main fund. Then they had the funds that were divided equally between all members. Some spent it, gambled it away, partied, and others built a house or saved the money. Dirty saved his. He had no reason to buy a house, although he was looking to buy now that he had Petal.

He didn’t gamble, and he may as well drink club beer. His expenses were a minimum. The only money he’d spent was paying her family to pay Petal. He wanted her to have whatever her heart desired.

“What else don’t I know?”

“There’s nothing else to tell. Everything you know.” He reached out and stroked a finger down her cheek.

“I don’t know, I reckon there is a lot about you I don’t know.”

He smiled. “All you’ve got to do is ask.”

“Have you ever owned a dog?” Petal asked after a few seconds’ pause.

This made him laugh. “A dog?”

“Yeah, they’re cute and gorgeous and loyal, and so sweet.”

“No, I’ve never owned a dog.”

“Have you ever wanted a dog?”

“How about you answer my questions, the one about your future, unless you planned to stay with Rosalie?” he asked.

“There’s not much to tell. We didn’t really think that far ahead. I wanted to find a good job, maybe even create our own business or something. I wanted the security of a good income. I didn’t think about family or men, or anything like that. Sorry, I guess I was kind of boring. I didn’t plan a wedding or name kids, or think of my name mixed with a man’s. Sorry, I’m boring.”

“This is a good thing.”

“It is?”

“Yeah,” he said, reaching out and pushing some of her hair off her shoulder.

“Tell me how my boring life is a good thing?”

He stroked her neck, wanting to pull her in his arms and kiss her. He held himself back and then pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

“Because I don’t have to kill anyone who might have been a threat and taken you away from me.”

“Well, Dirty, forgive me if I’m wrong, but you sound a little jealous.”

“I am,” he said.

This made her pull away just slightly. “You are?”

“You and Myth, it drove me crazy seeing him close to you, watching you smile at him, how you used to do to me. Hated it.”

Petal smiled. “Is that why you told our little secret?”

“Yeah, it is. I was a dick that night. I didn’t want to hurt you but I think I was trying to remind you that you once belonged to me.”

“Dirty, I didn’t forget. Myth and I have a strange friendship, I know that. I don’t think either of us were expecting it, but he wanted to talk to someone that wasn’t a guy, and someone he knew wasn’t going to expect anything. There is nothing between us. I see him as a brother.” She shrugged.

He stared at her and knew it was true. There was no sparkle between the two. It didn’t stop him from hating how easy it was between the two of them, how they were able to make it work. Myth had been able to cross that barrier when he’d not even come close, and it pissed him off.

“Are you trying to tell me you don’t want me and Myth to be friends?” she asked.

Dirty did have to think about it. “No, it’s not about that, at least not now. I’ve got no problem with you and Myth being friends.”


“What about us?” Dirty asked.

Petal smiled at him. “You want there to be an us?”

“I think I have proven more than once that I very much would like there to be an us.” He loved that smile on her lips. “But I get it if you’re not ready.”

She sighed and before he even realized what was happening, she had pressed him to the bed and moved to straddle his waist. He didn’t fight her because her pussy was so close to his cock, and that was exactly where he wanted her to be.

“Dirty, you’re testing my patience, one strand at a time. Do you think I’m a club whore?” she asked.

He gripped her thighs, hard. The truth was, he just wanted to touch her, anywhere he could get his hands on.


There was no way he would ever think of her as a whore, and he certainly didn’t like the thought of anyone else sharing her. He didn’t even want to think of Myth, Ox, Crow, any of the brothers getting near her. He’d kill them all, and in that moment, he understood Daemon, just a smidge. The guy was a monster, and instead of taking his time to win Gabrielle or to even allow her to fall in love with him, he took what was not his. The man had been crazy in love with her, in his own way.

