Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Before Rosalie got a chance to turn around, Petal knew something was bad.

“Rosalie, go out back. Go, run, I mean it!” She shoved Rosalie away from her, as she saw one of them reach for Kim.

One of them fired a gun and shot one of the club women. She didn’t know her name.

This could not be the Satan’s Death riders MC.

The sound of the gun going off created a panic, and she had a feeling that was what they were hoping for.

Kim was screaming and fighting, but they held onto her. Petal didn’t think, she just reacted and charged at them. Kneeing one of the men in the shin, she moved between them, grabbing one of the stools to hit another. It was a lot harder than it looked, but it got their attention.

“Let her go!” she yelled.

She was about to hit someone else, when someone grabbed her from behind and placed a hand against her mouth, cutting off her oxygen. Panic flooded her. This was supposed to be a girls’ night. Maybe girls’ night was cursed, because once again, for different reasons, it was ending in disaster.

The world went black.


Patrice was dead. She’d been a club butt for nearly four years. She never made waves. As far as Dirty could tell, the brothers liked her, and if there was anyone they would trust with the club, it was Patrice. She was never interested in long-term. Her loyalty was to the club, because they were also putting her through college, beauty school to be exact.

Everyone had liked her and seeing as she made the brothers’ lives more comfortable, everyone was more than happy to help pay for her dream. College was not a hard expense to fund, however, her love of beauty supplies had come at a steep cost.

But now she was gone. Killed by the Evil Fuckers MC.

Dirty watched the security footage, not for the first time, as it played the bastards entering the bar where Petal, Kim, Rosalie, and several of the women had gone. Skull and Crow were in the hospital. They had been attacked and never saw it coming. Both had gunshot wounds and would recover. Whoever shot them had been a bad shot, although they had been aiming for the heart. He couldn’t believe how close they had come to losing their men.

Warden was not going to allow Kim to go out alone. Not with the threat hanging over their heads. The plan was simple: Crow and Skull would be the lookout until Warden, himself, Colt, and several of the guys made it to the bar to party with the women.

Dirty had been looking forward to finally having Petal in his arms. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Petal hated making scenes.

The Evil Fuckers MC had been after Kim. Patrice tried to stop them. She fought and got shot in the head.

Dirty hated seeing it, but then he watched as Petal pushed Rosalie out of the way, making her friend run for it while she rushed at the men. Compared to the men she faced, she was so fucking small. She didn’t see the attack coming from behind.

They didn’t kill her, because if they had, they wouldn’t have taken her. Dirty watched and felt that burning need in his gut as it began to build. The need to hunt, to kill, to make them pay.

There were no calls. Fritz was doing everything he could to locate them, but they went out of town. He could only follow so long, and then it would require him to hack other networks.

“Stop, please,” Rosalie said.

“You need to lie down,” Colt said.

“No. Petal was not supposed … I thought she was following me.” Rosalie shook her head. “I’m so stupid. I should have known, but I didn’t see Kim get taken. I … it all happened so fast. I don’t…” Rosalie burst into tears. “I’m so sorry, I know this is not helping. Stupid hormones, but I can’t help it.”

Warden hadn’t said a word.

Dirty looked toward him and knew they were feeling exactly the same way. Their women had been taken.

“Someone knew,” Warden said. “Someone is working for them.”

The whole room went silent.

The movements of their women were never guaranteed. Kim was always doing different things. He knew it was one of the many reasons Warden adored her, she didn’t just do one thing. She didn’t like to be confined to a simple life of nine-to-five.

This made it hard for Warden and the club to keep track of them, and it played to their strengths. This also meant someone knew.

“But the only person outside the club who knew was Tanya,” Rosalie said.

“No,” Myth said. “She has a kid, and she’s not tied to them.”

“You don’t know that,” Colt said. “None of us know anything about this. She used to work for Al. He was tied to the club.”

