Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“Tomorrow morning, you file a report.”

“It will have to wait until Monday or Sunday if I can file a report on the weekend,” Sapphire told him as she put the jewelry back on the displays. She made a note to check the display for empty spaces if someone ever came in the store who seemed suspicious. That quick glance could help her keep track of possible shoplifting. Unless she got hit by a stampede of customers, Sapphire tried to fill bare spots with new merchandise immediately.

His look made her explain. “I have Kinsley tomorrow morning. It’s the last day my sister will need me.”

“She works on a Saturday?” Blade asked.

“She rotates weekends with the other staff at her business. Of course, this is her weekend. Her husband will come pick Kinsley up when he gets in from his business trip that morning. Me taking care of Kinsley at The Blue Door was a necessity caused by a bunch of obligations that all happened just as the regular babysitter had a baby. Next week, everything goes back to normal.”

“I don’t have to work on Saturdays. I’ll come to handle the shop for you and watch Kinsley.”

“You don’t need to do that. I will let you hold down the fort while I grab some pictures of that guy off my security camera and send a message to the other shops about him,” Sapphire requested and backed a step away from him. Blade’s arms tightened around her.

“Are you okay now?” Blade asked, studying her face.

Sapphire’s shoulders eased back down into place as her stress diminished. He honestly cared about her and would do anything to help. She nodded to reassure him.

“Yeah. I’ve had to deal with shoplifters before. That guy seemed extra… I don’t know what. It bothers me that he’s been hanging around the shops in the area. I guess casing the joint. If he was smart, he would have bailed the minute he saw I wasn’t alone.”

“Who knows what was happening with him? Now, however, you are aware that he’s bad news. If you see him, lock the door and call the police. Then call me.”

“I can’t disturb you. You’re working,” she said, not wanting him to think he was stuck with someone who needed rescuing all the time. “I’ve had my shop open for a while. I can handle pretty much anything that comes my way.”

“I have no doubt that’s true. It will make me feel better if you’ll promise to call me for backup—just so I don’t worry,” he told her gently. “Daddies need to make sure their Littles are safe. Otherwise, we get upset. You don’t want me in the hospital with ulcers, right?”

“That’s a far jump from needing to protect me to being medically bedridden,” she said, unable to keep herself from laughing at the mental image of Blade with knives hidden in his hospital gown.

“I don’t want to know what popped into your brain, do I?”

When she shook her head, he continued, “I don’t doubt that you can take care of your shop. You are talented and hardworking. I simply want to make sure you’re okay. Can you promise to call me if there’s a problem?”

“As soon as I can,” she agreed.

“Thank you, Sapphire. Now, go grab the photos and send your alerts. I’ll try not to scare all your customers away.”

Working quickly in the back, Sapphire grabbed screenshots and forwarded them to her phone both as pictures and files she could share. She pulled up her email and messaged the shopkeepers in her area, along with the pictures. She didn’t have everyone’s contact information but asked the other owners to share the word with others.

The sound of feminine laughter drifted to her from the shop and Sapphire stopped to listen for a moment. Hearing the low tones of Blade’s voice, she figured everything was okay. Quickly, she created a concise report for the police that she would drop by the station tomorrow when she had a chance. Having everything put together made her feel better. She wouldn’t let that shoplifter get by with hurting small businesses.

Sapphire walked into the shop and froze at the sight of four women practically drooling over the biker behind the counter. He had already packed up three of the orders, and the women held onto bulging bags. Blade grinned her way when he caught sight of her.

“And this is the artist who created the beautiful pieces you’re taking home tonight,” he shared, waving an arm in Sapphire’s direction.

“You are so talented. I love your work,” one woman gushed. “Would it be too much to ask that you pose for a picture with us? And then maybe you could take a picture of us with Blade? He’s amazing at suggesting jewelry that complements each of us.”

There was no doubt in Sapphire’s mind that they would delete one picture much quicker than the other. Sapphire looked at Blade to make sure he was okay with that, and when he gave a brief nod, she answered, “Of course. I’m so glad you discovered some pieces that you love.”

