Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“To have me customize their rides, customers have to come in for a consult where we decide what they need and how to add to their bike. Once we have that ironed out, they can drop their bike off before their place on the schedule,” Blade shared.

“So, if I went out and bought a moped today, you could trick it out this week?”

“No, Blue Eyes. First, I don’t put weapons on mopeds,” he said with a shudder. “Second, I’m booked through the end of the year.”

“That’s months away!”


She stared at him. He answered like it was completely normal that his work was so treasured that people lined up for months and would wait to have him weaponize their bikes. “That’s amazing, Blade. As an artist, I’ll have to admit I’m jealous to my core. I would love to have people who wanted me to create something unique for them.”

“You do that for people every day. My jobs are just bigger and take longer,” he stated with a serious look.

“I’m honestly so excited to have a chance to bling out a bike. That’s something I would never have thought of doing.”

“I’m glad to have a partner in crime. Eat your breakfast, Blue Eyes. And you,” he said, focusing on Kinsley, “You be a very good girl today, or I’ll spank your aunt for every mess you make.”

“What? That’s not fair,” Sapphire protested, setting her coffee down and scooping Kinsley into her arms.

When the toddler fussed at being separated from Blade, Sapphire bounced her on her hip. “You’re fine. It’s just us girls at the shop today. No boys allowed.”

Kinsley pushed her bottom lip out as she considered the obvious unattractiveness of that decision.

Blade stepped close to Sapphire and kissed Kinsley on her temple before pressing a passionate kiss to Sapphire’s lips. “Be good, Little girl.” He chuckled when both females nodded. “I’ll see you tonight, Blue Eyes.”

“See you soon… Daddy.” Sapphire loved the heat that blazed in his brown eyes. His reaction was unmistakable. Blade was a Daddy Dom through and through.

“You owe me for saying that now when I can’t celebrate with you as I wish to,” Blade told her as he walked to the door. His gaze meshed with hers before he closed the door behind him.

“Whoo, Kinsley. Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Sapphire asked, fanning herself. She laughed when the toddler mimicked her movement. “Thanks, Kinsley. We girls need to stick together. Let’s get you some juice, and we’ll split the goodie in the bag.”

Sapphire turned and caught an image of herself smiling in the mirrors behind the displays. What an amazing way to start the day. Blade made her feel special.



“A barbecue, hmm?” Blade asked that evening as they shared a pizza between customers.

He’d waltzed in with one and seated himself comfortably on a stool at her workbench. He’d also made several sales for her when he’d weighed in on customer selections. Having an attractive and dangerous-looking man tell you to get both because they both are perfect on you seemed to have more power than Sapphire’s opinion. She was having a great sales night. Plus, she got to spend time with Blade.

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I understand. It’s intimidating meeting someone’s family,” Sapphire told him. She didn’t expect him to go with her. It was too soon. Sapphire had worried about asking him all day, but her sister would sense if Sapphire had chickened out.

Blade shook his head. “You’re good, but I’m not manipulatable. We both know I’m not intimidated by the thought of meeting your grandmother.”

“Oh, my grandmother is lovely. She’s like that kindergarten teacher who everyone loved in school. It’s my cousins you have to watch out for.”

“I can handle your cousins,” he assured her.

“Maybe regular cousins, but these two have their PhDs in belittling, bemoaning, and besmirching.”

“The trifecta of B’s, huh? I’ll take my risks.” Blade seemed amused by her description.

“Are you sure? You could wait a few years to see if we’re still together,” she suggested, giving him an out.

“Who else will be there other than these cousins from hell?” he asked, totally ignoring the escape route she’d offered.

“My parents, my grandmother, my aunt, Ellen, her husband, and Kinsley.”

“And the cousins from hell,” he added.

“Yes. A ton of family.”

“That usually happens at a family barbecue. I’ll tell you what. I’ll go with you to your barbecue if you come to the clubhouse for dinner next week,” Blade proposed.

“Um, that’s fine. I already know a lot of the Shadowridge Guardians and their Littles. That would be fun. The shop is closed on Sunday, and my short days are Monday through Wednesday.”

“Not a problem. There’s dinner at the clubhouse every night. There’s also breakfast and lunch. We all take shifts cooking and helping in the kitchen. Gabriel and Bear are usually in charge.”

