Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

Blade rocked her gently. “Good girl. Do you feel better?”

“Yes. But my butt still stings.”

“Reminders from spankings are good. That will help you remember who’s in charge,” he said wisely. “Ready to go get cleaned up?”

When she nodded, he stood and carried her into the bathroom. “Hold your dress up, Little girl.”

Blade wet a washcloth and wiped her juices from her skin. The soft terry cloth rasped across her sensitized flesh. Torn between embarrassment and happiness, she enjoyed his attentions and appreciated the fresh panties he helped her step into.

“Go put on jeans,” he reminded her.

She hesitated for a split second, and he smacked her bottom.


She ran to her closet to find a pair.



“I’ll stand right here and shield you, Blue Eyes,” Blade said, turning his back after she’d taken off the jacket she’d been required to wear as well.

Sapphire scanned the area. He’d parked next to the bushes that lined her sister’s driveway. Between the greenery, his broad form, and the powerful motorcycle, she was about as covered as possible. Quickly, she unfastened her jeans and pulled them off. Her slide sandals were easily dealt with, and within a minute she stood poised and ready to join the party.

“You look edible,” he growled, wrapping an arm around her waist.

A flashback to sitting on his face popped into her thoughts. Shocked, she met his gaze. Surely he didn’t mean… Oh yes, he did. There was no mistaking the heated arousal in his gaze. “You are bad.”

“Very,” he agreed. Blade unhooked the cooler, hefting it under one arm, before holding out his free hand. “Introduce me to your relatives.”

Shaking her head, Sapphire linked her fingers with his and led him to the backyard. A dozen people stood and sat in groups, chatting. There was a set of long tables, groaning with food. The hubbub of conversation died out as Sapphire called her hello.

A man with salt-and-pepper hair walked forward to greet them. “Sapphire. I’m glad you’re here.” His gaze landed on their intermingled fingers. “Who’s this?”

“Dad, this is Blade Granby.”

“I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Jones.” Blade slid his fingers from Sapphire’s grip and held his hand out. The older man shook it politely.

“Call me Grant. How do you know my daughter, Blade?”

“Dad, this isn’t an inquisition. We met at my shop. Blade visited to see if I was interested in doing some designs for him,” Sapphire explained. She’d known her parents would treat him politely. They would wonder about his leather cut but would never ask pointed questions or make judgements. They trusted her. They would wonder privately.

“I see,” Grant Jones said, scanning Blade from head to toe as a petite woman approached.

“Hi, I’m Bonnie Jones—Sapphire’s mother.”

“Mrs. Jones. Call me Blade.”

“Are those knives sticking out of your vest?” Bonnie asked with astonishment.

“You must be Blade,” a cheerful voice interrupted. “I’ve heard your name babbled a bunch from Kinsley. I’m Ellen. Sapphire’s sister.”

“I have to ask. How did Sapphire get her name? Ellen, Bonnie, Grant. And then, Sapphire.”

“Oh, that was all me. I might have been a bit loopy on drugs, but I’d never seen eyes as blue as hers. I insisted on Sapphire,” her mother explained.

“It suits her perfectly.” Blade complimented the choice.

“She’s just lucky her eyes didn’t turn brown a week later,” a strident voice announced from behind Sapphire. “That’s what happens to some babies born with blue eyes.”

The group turned to see a man and woman standing close.

The man added, “She would have had to dye her hair blue or something to live up to that name. Oh, wait. She already did that. And tattooed her skin.”

Sapphire rolled her eyes. That duo would have to take the opportunity to make her look ridiculous. Keeping her tone pleasant, Sapphire said, “Blade, let me introduce my cousins, Amelia and Aaron.”

“Of course, the cousins.” Blade did not reach his hand out to shake theirs. His tone was chilling with an ominous shade of violence—unlike Sapphire had ever heard it.

She shook her head slightly, telling him he didn’t need to stand up for her. Sapphire was used to her cousins’ belittling statements. They’d been that way all her life.

“And you must be the requisite bad boy boyfriend Sapphire needed to find to fill out her bingo card of weirdness,” Aaron added.

“Now, Aaron. Let’s ease up on Sapphire,” her father gently tried to step in.

“Up. Up. Up.”

Everyone looked down at the toddler standing in front of Blade with her arms raised. Kinsley’s face was blotchy, as if she didn’t feel well. Blade immediately lowered himself to one knee and wrapped his arms around Kinsley when she threw herself against him.

“Blade, I’m sorry. Kinsley is teething and isn’t very pleasant to be around. I’ll take her and see if I can get her to go settle down with her toys,” Ellen suggested as she leaned over to pry the toddler away from him.

