Black Forest (Little Cakes #6) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 46077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 230(@200wpm)___ 184(@250wpm)___ 154(@300wpm)

“It is a party,” Riley said as she walked inside the Little area.

Everyone cheered, “Welcome!” as Sue joined them.

“We even have cupcakes!” Ellie cheered before rushing forward to hug Sue. “Everyone in the club is invited to come grab one and say hello.”

Sue blushed, stunned.

“But wait! Look at your hair and your dress. Your Daddy is amazing!” Daisy cried out.

“He really is,” Sue agreed, looking over at Davis who chatted with the other Daddies.

“Can we play now?” Lark asked, waving at the large picture of the donkey behind them on the wall.

“Come on, Sue. You get to go first,” Tori told her. “Then we’ll color and one of the Daddies will read us a story.”

“That sounds like so much fun!” Sue skipped with the group over to join Lark.

Chapter Eighteen

The next morning, Sue struggled to wake up to head to Little Cakes to help Ellie open. Davis insisted on driving her because he didn’t trust her to stay awake behind the wheel.

“Cherry? Can you wake up? Do you need me to go inside and tell Ellie you can’t work today?” Davis asked as he rubbed her shoulder to rouse her.

“No. I can work. I was just resting my eyes,” Sue assured him.

“What time do you get off?” he asked her a few seconds later as he helped her out of the car.

“I work a short shift today. Only until three.”

“Come to the gym and I’ll tuck you in for a nap. We can go home for dinner when you wake up,” Davis said, planning her day.

“Okay, Daddy.” She raised her lips for his kiss.

“Stay safe, Little girl,” he instructed before kissing her lightly and opening the door to Little Cakes.

“I’ll be careful,” Sue promised, before darting inside.

“You look tired,” Ellie observed as she stood in front of the featured cupcake of the week on the board.

“I am tired. That was too much fun last night. I have a whole list of things I want to try with my Daddy,” Sue confessed before slapping her hand over her mouth because she was amazed she’d said that aloud.

Ellie pursed her lips, obviously trying not to react, but when the two women’s gazes met, they couldn’t contain their giggles.

Bear’s voice called from the back, “Littles! We have thirty minutes.”

That made them get busy as they laughed. Sue loved working here. It was so much fun being with people who understood her.

It was a good thing Bear had motivated them to prepare thoroughly. The minute Ellie flipped over the OPEN sign, a crowd streamed inside. It was a constant rush of people buying cupcakes and ordering treats for special occasions.

Sue didn’t have any time to think about being tired. She ran all morning long with Ellie alternating between the front and the back to help her out and frost more cupcakes. The morning flew past. When Tori arrived early, Ellie had her clock in immediately and Sue stayed a bit after her shift was supposed to end to restock the display.

At the sound of the door opening, Sue looked up to find Davis in his Fitness Haven garb. She waved and tried not to look totally wiped out. From the concerned look on his face, she knew he wasn’t fooled.

“Go clock out,” Ellie told her. “We’ve got enough staff now.” She waved a hand at Riley who walked through the door adjusting her apron.

“I’m going to take a nap for a few minutes. You should too,” Ellie suggested.

“I think Daddy’s going to insist on that,” Sue pointed out.

“That’s good. He should take care of you.” Ellie encouraged her toward the back with waves of her hands.

“Thanks, Ellie.”

When she emerged from dropping off her apron in the dirty bin and clocking out, Davis was waiting next to the door into the back private area. He wrapped an arm around her and guided her out the front door.


“Hi, Cherry. I was worried about you when you didn’t come to the gym. Ready for a nap?” he asked.

“Mmm-hmmm,” she hummed her agreement with his idea.

“We’ll have to make it an earlier night at Blaze when you have to work,” Davis told her.

“I had fun,” she assured him as she walked toward the gym.

“I did, too.”

They walked in silence for a minute before Sue looked up at him and asked, “Are you serious about me moving into your house?”

“I am. When can I move you in?” he asked.

“I don’t have to work tomorrow. I thought I’d start going through all the stuff in the house. It will take me a while to get everything sorted and get a realtor contacted,” she hedged.

“You can do all of that and move in with me now. I’d like to have you with me, Cherry.”

“I’d like to be with you as well. That house isn’t me anymore. It belongs in the past. A new family needs to make happy memories in it now,” she said before yawning.

