Black Forest (Little Cakes #6) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 46077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 230(@200wpm)___ 184(@250wpm)___ 154(@300wpm)

She poked it with a pointed index finger several times. “I think there are two things inside: a book and something soft.”

When he didn’t answer, Sue threw back another corner and a blue fuzzy foot appeared, then the edge of a hard-bound book. She pulled the latter out and opened it. “You won’t believe this. It’s a journal. The first entry is the day after our eighth anniversary.”

She snapped the book closed and set it down. Pushing away the last of the fabric, Sue revealed a blue bear. Its fur was worn and tattered as if it had been played with throughout a number of years. “I saw this once on Troy’s bed at his parents’ home when we visited before we were married. It had disappeared the next day.”

“I bet he was desperate to get it back.”

Sue looked down at the well-loved stuffie and sighed. “He was.”

With brisk movements, she rewrapped the two items. “Let me pack some clothes and then I’d like to take this to Troy’s office.”

“I’m proud of you, Cherry. Somehow I knew you’d take the high road and choose to be pleasant.”

Davis picked up the material. “I’ll find a bag to put this in while you grab some clothes. Bring comfortable things that you like to lounge around in as well as workout clothes and your Little Cake uniforms.”

“Am I moving in?” she laughed as if it were a joke.

“Whenever you’re ready to leave here, I’ll welcome you with open arms. I need to have you home with me,” he confided.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

“Then we wait to move everything until you are. In the meantime, I’ll steal all the time I can with you. Go put some clothes in a suitcase, Cherry girl.”

She nodded and turned around to head out of the open space. “I’ll just be a minute.”

“Take your time. Barbie and I will get acquainted.”

When she returned a few minutes later, he had a paper shopping bag with handles waiting on the table. He was also holding Barbie on his chest as he whispered in her ear.

“Are you stealing my stuffie’s affection?” she asked with a laugh as she let go of the handle on the small wheeled carryon.

“I don’t think that’s possible. Barbie’s pretty stuck on you.”

“She does love me.” Sue beamed.

“Indeed.” Davis set Barbie on the table, pulled Sue into his arms, and gave her a chaste kiss. “You ready to go?”

“Yes. Do you think now is a good time to stop by Troy’s office and drop the bag off?”

“Yes. I think it’s a good idea. I think you’ll be able to close that door and he’ll stop bothering you.”

“I agree.”

Davis released her to pick up her suitcase. “Can you grab the bag and Barbie?”


Davis hated that his Little girl’s brow was furrowed as she followed his directions. She was still shaken up over today’s revelations. He really hoped she would get closure and be able to put her ex-husband’s bad behavior behind her by returning his belongings.

Sue gave Davis the address of Troy’s office building and then remained quiet in the seat next to him for the entire drive. She hugged Barbie close to her chest, but she fidgeted nervously.

After parking the car, Davis came around to her side and helped her out. He grabbed the paper bag from the back seat. She set Barbie in her seat. Davis held her hand as they entered the front door.

“Hey, Sue,” a pleasant brunette said from behind the receptionist desk. “Did you need to see Troy? He’s not in the office today.”

“Hi, Janet,” Sue responded in a soft voice.

Davis had thought this might happen. After all, it had only been a few hours since they’d run into Troy and Viola at the furniture store. “Is his boss in?” Davis asked. It wouldn’t be appropriate to leave the bag with this receptionist, but Davis hated putting it off any longer.

“Viola’s in. Yes. I’ll get her for you.” The kind woman picked up her desk phone and pushed a single button for the inner-office call. A moment later, she spoke. “Hi, Viola. Sue Taylor is here.” The woman listened for a few seconds. “Okay, thanks.” When she ended the call, she smiled at Sue. “She says to head on back to her office.”

Davis doubted Sue had any idea how tightly she was gripping his hand as she led him deeper into the office. It wasn’t surprising she knew exactly where Viola’s office was. It was interesting that the receptionist had been so incredibly pleasant. It gave Davis the impression no one had badmouthed Sue around the office during or after the divorce.

A door at the end of the hallway opened before they reached it and Viola stood inside, holding it open. “Come on in,” she said pleasantly. As soon as they stood inside, Viola shut the door.

