Black Forest (Little Cakes #6) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 46077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 230(@200wpm)___ 184(@250wpm)___ 154(@300wpm)

“Let’s get you to my office for a nap.” Davis opened the gym door and guided her through the busy space into his office. The loveseat was gone. In its place behind his desk, Davis had created a bed for her on a pile of cushioned mats. The pillow and blanket looked so inviting. She’d be able to stretch out completely now.

“Don’t you need your office?” she asked.

“Not at all. I can do anything I need at the front desk.” Davis knelt at her feet and untied her sneakers. Balancing herself with a hand on his wide shoulders, Sue let him take off her shoes.

“When I get a cot or a twin bed in here, we’ll take your clothes off but for now, lie down and let me cover you up. I think you’ll be asleep before I close the door.”

“That’s silly,” she said before yawning widely. Sue took a seat on the piled mats and sighed in enjoyment. They were super comfortable. Davis lifted her feet and helped her stretch out. She curled onto her side and let him tuck the covers under her chin. “Thanks, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Sleep well.”

As her eyes drifted closed, Sue felt a light kiss on her hair. She wiggled slightly, getting comfortable and relaxed. All thoughts of moving and selling the house fled from her brain and she tumbled into sleep.

“Time for us to go home, Cherry,” Davis’s deep voice slid through her dreams.

Sue nestled a bit deeper into her pillow and tried to hold on to the pleasant dream that turned even sweeter with her Daddy part of it. A hand caressed her shoulder and rocked her slightly. She scrunched her eyes shut, trying to lock out the disruption.

“Let’s go home, Little girl.”

The dream slipped away and Sue blinked her eyes up at the handsome man kneeling beside her. “Daddy?”

“Yes, Cherry. I’m here. It’s time to wake up. Did you sleep well?” Davis asked.

“I guess. It’s been like five minutes, right?”

“Two hours,” he corrected.

“I slept that long? I really was tired.”

“You were. How about we go home for dinner and maybe a walk in the pool?”

“You’re not supposed to exercise after eating,” Sue said, parroting the advice she’d heard growing up.

“I think if we take it easy, we can handle it,” Davis reassured her.

“Okay. You’re in charge, Daddy.”

“Thank you, Little girl.”

He helped her sit up and he put on her shoes. “What did you dream about?”

After a few seconds’ pause, she whispered, “You.”

“I like that. Were we doing something fun?”

“No, we were just hanging around at your house. I like being with you, Daddy.”

“I like being with you, too. I hope you’ll start thinking of my house as our house,” Davis told her as he stood and reached down a hand to pull Sue to her feet.

“I’ll try,” she promised, watching him smooth her blanket out and pick up a large shopping bag before they walked toward the door.

“After we walk in the pool, I want to spend some time in your nursery tonight.”

“Doing what?” Sue asked before they reached the door. She’d helped him put some of the furniture together the other night, but the room wasn’t done yet. “Should we assemble the rest of the furniture?”

Daddy shook his head. “I already did while you were at work yesterday.”

“Oh.” She glanced at him with wide eyes.

“We’re going to put the changing table to use tonight,” he informed her.

Sue pursed her lips, pondering why the changing table was the first thing he wanted to use. She came more fully awake as she followed Davis out the door and to his car. Maybe she was missing something special about the changing table. Didn’t he say something about taking care of her there? Oh, crap!

Sue waited until he set the bag in the back seat and they were both inside the car before she asked, “You’re going to take my temperature, aren’t you?”


She stared at him in horror as he started the car as if they were having a casual conversation. “In my bottom?”

“Of course. Rectal temperatures are most accurate for Little girls,” he explained as he backed out of the parking space.

She sat quietly as he merged into the traffic on the road and they drove toward his house. The bag rustled on the seat behind her as they turned a corner. Looking over her shoulder, she watched a set of bath toys and a large tube of lubricant roll out of the bag.

“Are those for me?” she asked before she could stop herself.

“The toys? Yes. They’ll work in the pool as well,” Davis replied, reaching over to wrap his hand around her knee.

“I’m super hungry,” she blurted to distract him from all his plans.

“We’ll eat first,” he promised.


Sue tried to relax on the way home but something about the size of that bag worried her. Finally, she asked, “What else is in the bag?”

