Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

“However.” Chen pointed to the diamond cuffs on the bed. “I believe we should proceed with caution in these days to come.”

Embarrassment hit me. “I don’t plan on doing anything with Duck.”

“Even better.” Chen nodded, but didn’t drink his coffee. Instead, he kept that stern expression. “I am glad you feel that way. However, Duck cannot feed you again.”

“I know.”

“I decided that Duck should ride with you on this journey to Mount Utopia so that you both could have a proper conversation about future behavior.”

I quirked my brows. “Are you asking me to have a talk with Duck about no more flirting?”


“I already planned to talk to him. Although I must explain to you that it was me that was flirting with him, yesterday.”

To my surprise, Chen grinned. “I know my brother very well. His philosophy is that if he can get food into the woman’s mouth, then he can get his cock into her mouth too.”

I widened my eyes.

“Also, people are whispering about what happened.”

“Why would they be gossiping about that? Nothing really happened.”

“They are calling it, Meatball Gate.”

“Wow.” A blistering headache began to form. “I think everyone is blowing that out of proportions—”

“Lei has never walked out of a dinner like that, and let us not forget that he glared at Duck and then grabbed you to go with him—”

“Lei just lost Chanel and has to fight his father, so he isn’t acting in his typical way.”

“Your lipstick was on his mouth.”

I bit my bottom lip.

“Personally, I am happy that you are here. Before you, I couldn’t get Lei to sleep, eat, or take a shower.”

My heart ached.

“Your presence in less than one day has slowly brought Lei back to life.”

I gazed down at my coffee.

“I just want you to be careful in how you move from now on. Everyone will be watching you.”

I looked at him. “Why?”

“Unfortunately, I do not have enough hours to explain it all to you. Just trust me.” Chen took a long swig of coffee, headed over to the bathroom door, and knocked on it. “Your time is up, Mountain Master!”

Lei growled from the other side. “I’m coming!”

“Oh. I almost forgot.” Chen dug into his pocket and pulled out my phone. “I needed this to try and track Leo, but it didn’t help. Here you go.”

“Thanks.” I took my phone from him.

The abrupt opening of the door signaled Lei’s entrance, instantly seizing my attention.


He emerged shirtless, and the man was a stunning display of strength and raw masculinity.

Jesus. . .

His muscles were perfectly chiseled and taut, flexing and relaxing rhythmically as he walked.

My. My. My.

I took an appreciative sip of my coffee. Its sweetness failed to distract my mind from the sight before me.

My gaze traced the jagged scars that were scattered across his back. Surely, he must have got them from countless battles.

Maybe. . .I could sit in the back of the van while he exercises.

I continued to drink in the sight of his tight blue training pants clinging to his defined legs. They outlined the strong muscles of his thighs and calves.

Warmth spread throughout my body.


I took another sip of coffee, as well as another stolen glance.

He caught me watching him.

The coffee cup paused midway to my lips.

Our gazes locked.

A spark ignited in my core as his tongue slipped out, running over his lips in a tantalizing manner.

Alright now.

It was such a small gesture yet charged with a quiet desire that made my heart flutter.

A silent conversation happened between us. It was carnal and raw as fuck. Tons of dark promises and whispered sexual fantasies.

Every desire, every thought was transmitted from my eyes to his in a smoldering exchange that burned with an intensity of pure lust.

Fuck around and you will be training with me in the bedroom.

Chen loudly cleared his throat. “Are we ready, Lei?”

Second by second, Lei twisted his face in rage, directed his view to Chen, and narrowed his eyes. “Must you always interrupt. . .things?”

Chen shrugged. “Seven days.”

Lei let out an exasperated breath and stormed away. “I will see you on Mount Utopia, Monique.”

I watched his muscled ass move under the blue fabric. “I will definitely see you too.”

Chen followed. “Duck will be waiting for you in the lobby in ten minutes, Monique.”

Lei stopped at the door. “I should have a conversation with Duck before we leave—”

“We do not have the time, Lei, and trust me, there will not be any meatballs on Duck and Monique’s journey to Mount Utopia.” Chen opened the door. “Duck will also be riding in the front while she rides in the back. There will be adequate space.”

Grumbling something, Lei headed out of the door.

They both disappeared into the hall.

The door closed.

For some reason, I glanced at the handcuffs on the bed and bit my lip.

Will this day be as crazy as yesterday?

