Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

She blinked and whispered, “Is this necessary?”

“I want you by my side.”

“I can be by your side without handcuffs.”

“This guarantees it.”

“We don’t need a guarantee.” She grinned. “Lei, I’m right here.”

“You weren’t when I woke up.”

“Because I was half-naked without clothes and your aunts ended up—”

“In these oncoming days, I never want to wake up without you—”

“I get that, but there will be times when it is not necessary to put handcuffs on me.”


“Like now and by the way, I am not sleeping next to you with handcuffs on. And I will not be going to the bathroom with them on either.”

“We will see.”

To my surprise, a humorous expression covered her face. “We will not see.”

A few people turned their bowed heads to the side to watch our exchange. When they realized I spotted them, they put their views back on the table.

Noticing my attention wavering, Monique scanned the space of standing people with bowed heads and pursed her lips together.

Then, she lowered her voice even more. “I guess we can talk about this on the elevator.”

I slipped my gaze along the front of her gown. So close, I could appreciate the way that sparkling blue fabric hugged her round breasts.

I had to stifle a grunt. “Let’s go.”

“Okay, Mountain Master.”

The line of my jaw twitched.

She is definitely making fun of my title. I’ll show her how funny it is.

Side by side, we headed away and in my mind, I saw myself bending her over and smacking her fat, bare ass.

A groan left me.

Monique turned my way.

Somewhere in the dining hall, someone clapped.

What the hell?

I raised my eyebrows and checked that direction. By my throne, Aunt Suzi looked our way and clapped again, wearing a giddy expression.

I frowned.

Aunt Min shushed her and then pushed her sister’s hands down. Although Aunt Suzi giggled, they returned to bowing their heads.

What is she excited about?

Meanwhile, Chen wore a worried expression as he watched us leave.

Chapter twenty-one

The Mountain Master

Lei’s warm, firm grip gently guided me away from the elegant dinner.

I glanced over my shoulder.

Everyone remained standing with their heads bowed.

Wow. This is crazy.

I still wasn’t sure how I should properly react to their show of respect for Lei. I knew he was decently important due to all of his men and the fact that he could book the Royal Palm Hotel. However, I never imagined he was this powerful.

I turned and faced forward again, moving with Lei toward the hallway.

I was a bit embarrassed to admit this, but Lei’s attraction factor shot up beyond the stars now.

Hey, don’t be shallow. You’re better than this.

I’ve always prided myself on my independence and strength. Of course, Lei was undoubtedly sexy. The chiseled features of his face, his muscular physique. This was all impossible to ignore.

But now it wasn’t just his physical appeal that stirred something within me.

It was his power.

Monique, relax.

I snuck a look and found myself wrestling with this conundrum. The feminist in me bristled at the idea of finding a man more attractive because of his power. After all, I didn’t need a powerful man to validate or protect me.

Still, being next to him brought out this undeniable thrill through my body.

There was something inherently alluring about his Mountain Master status. Plus, the way he handled his power wasn’t overbearing or tyrannical. Instead, it was balanced, measured, and respectful. So far, I didn’t see him belittling or overpowering anyone. Instead, he appeared tempered with this relatable kind of humility that was as rare as it was enticing.

So. Fucking. Sexy.

I swallowed.

Monique. . .stop it.

Once the double doors shut behind us with a loud thud, the faint echo of human activity rose—creaking of chairs and chatter of people. Surely, all of his guests were sitting back down and returning to their food.

But why did he leave so early? The food was just coming out.

Lei’s grip on my hand tightened and I could feel the tender warmth of his palm seeping into mine.

With a gentle tug, Lei led me down the hallway, his strides long and sure.

A small group of his men marched behind him—all donning dark blue.

We walked in silence, the only sound coming from the click of our shoes on the marble floor.

When we made it to the elevator, he jabbed the button with his index finger and then gazed at me. “Are you still hungry?”


He turned back to the elevator doors. “I will have the staff bring up several platters for you.”

“Thank you.” I grinned. “Mountain Master.”

He snapped his view back to me. “Are you mocking me?”

“What?” I blinked. “No. I’m. . .pretty impressed actually. I don’t know what Mountain Master means but it sounds dope as hell.”

He gave me a skeptical look. “Who told you my title anyway?”


He didn’t appear pleased. “And what else did Duck say?”

“He told me all of the protocols and etiquettes.”

