Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

I frowned and looked at her. “Go ahead.”

She blinked. “What?”

“Ask whatever question is on your mind. You clearly must have some. You keep looking at me like I’m a weirdo.”

“Well. . .it’s your business. I don’t really need to know.”

My frown deepened. “Just ask your questions.”

“O-kay. How long have you had a harem?”

“Since eighteen.”


“It’s not what you think.”

“Oh.” She blinked. “Those aren’t a large group of women put in place to pleasure you?”

I gritted my teeth. “Fine. It is what you think, but not exactly.”


“They don’t pleasure me in all the ways.”

“I’m sorry, but what does that mean?”

Duck snorted up ahead.

I rolled my eyes. “There’s no penetration, just other things every now and then. Barely, two or three times a year I will even let them. . .service me.”

“Umm. . .” Monique gazed at me. “Did you say no penetration?”


“Like. . .your penis does not go inside of them—not a mouth or butt or—?”

I glared. “Is that not what no penetration means?”

“Sorry.” She turned her view forward.

Now I’m losing my temper with her.

I sighed. “No. I am sorry. And. . .you are correct. I don’t put anything inside of them. Anywhere.”

“So. . .it’s just their hands.”

“Or feet.”

“Oh.” She blinked.

Was that weird to say? Doesn’t everyone get jacked off with feet?

Unease hit me.

Maybe not.

Again, Monique kept giving me odd glances.

I spoke through clenched teeth, “Finish with your questions.”

“Well. . .why don’t you. . .penetrate them?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well.” Monique shrugged. “If I had a penis and a harem, I would definitely put my penis inside all of them.”

Up ahead, Duck chuckled.

“Nothing is funny, cousin. Just get us to the suite.” I glared at him and then put my view on Monique. “I understand what you are saying, but I let them do other things to me. That is sufficient.”

“But it doesn’t sound sexy.”

“I don’t use the harem for. . .sexy.”

“Why not? You are a single man.”

“I wanted to save the true idea of sex and pleasure for Chanel. She was the only woman I yearned to have sensual and intimate moments with.”

“Oh.” Monique blinked again.

I gritted my teeth, knowing that she was processing that answer and coming up with the eventual realization that all did.

Here we go.

“Oh.” Monique parted her lips. “So then. . .”


She stared at me in shock. “You’re a virgin?”

Doing his best to not smirk, Duck stopped us at a door, pulled out a white card, and pressed it against a brass plate where the knob should have been.

The door opened.

Monique didn’t walk in. Instead, she stared at me as if I were some greenish purple alien that had landed on Earth.

I eyed her. “Yes. I am a virgin.”


Frowning, I guided her in. “It is not a big deal. There are plenty of men that are virgins at my age.”

Duck began whistling that annoying tune again.

Disbelief still sat on Monique’s face.

She probably thinks something is wrong with me.

Soon, Duck and my other men tried to enter our suite.

“No.” I waved them away. “I just need to be alone.”

“Alone. I understand.” Duck gestured to Monique. “Then, I will take her to my suite and watch over—”

“She! Stays! With! Me!” I bared my teeth at all of them. “How many times do I have to say it?”

Monique trembled next to me.

Embarrassed, I did my best to calm myself down.

Duck gave me a sad smile. “I believe I understand now, Lei. I will not make that mistake again.”


“I know that Chen has tea and other refreshments heading to the suite. Since you want to be alone, should I ask the staff to not deliver them?”

“No. Monique may be hungry.”

“Be sure to consider eating too, cousin.” The last word was Duck’s way of reminding me that we were family and he loved me.

I calmed myself more. “I will do my best.”

“Excellent. That is all Chen and I ask.” Duck placed his hands in front of him. “Until then, I will give you alone time, go to my room, and get some rest, but if you need me—”

“I’m already aware that you will quickly come, when called.”

“One more thing.”

I held in my rage and spoke through clenched teeth, “Yes.”

“Since our aunts are here, I am sure it will be a grand feast for dinner tonight. I will have your best clothes brought to the suite.”

I rolled my eyes. “Damn them. Why couldn’t they just stay in Paradise City.”

“They do not want you to kill their brother. They believe you at least owe them a conversation.”

Along with my mother, my aunts had been the calming foundation of my childhood. They had soothed my hurts and protected me from my father’s ridiculously violent training as much as they could.

If anyone dared to even insult me, Aunt Min or Aunt Suzi would have their heads on a platter.

I nodded. “I will give them dinner and conversation, but they will not be able to save my father.”

