Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

But today, they all had on the same long black wig and crimson red lingerie.

Are they pretending to be Chanel? Have I not told them over and over to stop doing that?

Rage rose within me.

I stepped off the elevator and sneered at them. “Leave!”

They all scattered. Some shrieked.

Yet, the Chief Consort remained right where she was. Ming Yui was the first woman my father assigned to me.

By the time I reached eighteen, damn near all of Paradise City knew I was in love with Chanel.

Still, Chanel seemed to not be aware.

Meanwhile, my parents stepped in like it was some emergency and began providing me with women that they believed were more suitable to stand by my side.

That was how the ridiculous concept of the harem began.

Ming Yui represented the proper women of the East. Her father Guan had served as my father’s Red Pole—the military commander. When it was time for war, he oversaw all defensive and offensive operations.

Ming Yui was his fourth daughter. Being that girls were never seen as the most prized member in an East Paradise family, he considered her high position in my harem as honorable enough.

I thought the job was disgusting and demeaning.

I didn’t require anyone to serve my cock on a fulltime basis, yet my father was adamant that I keep her along.

Soon he added more and more.

I scowled at Ming Yui.

Dressing like Chanel? Why would she think this was okay?

The stupid wig covered Ming Yui’s long jet-black hair. The too-revealing red lace body suit looked outrageous compared to her signature blue satin gown that she usually dressed in.

I narrowed my eyes. “I said leave.”

Ming Yui slowly crossed her arms over her breasts. “Mountain Master, we are here to serve you during this time of great sorrow.”

“Serve me by going back to Paradise City.”

“How can we truly serve you, if we are so far away?”


“I will walk you to your suite, run a warm bath, wash you, and even give you a massage—”

“I want you to leave.”

“I am going to stay.” Ming Yui moved her gaze to Monique and then dropped it to the handcuffs on our wrist. “What is this? Who is she?”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “When am I to ever answer your questions?”

She pouted. “We are here to comfort you—”

“I asked you yesterday and the day before to leave me alone and keep the rest of the harem away. I told you I needed peace while I mourned. I said I wanted silence.” I raised my hand and showed her one finger. “That was your only job, and here you are today. You bring them to this hotel and stand with the others dressed like. . .”

The vision of Chanel’s dead body flashed in my mind.

Pain drenched my heart.

My voice grew shaky. “Why would you do that? I was. . .doing a little bit better, and now. . .”

Ming Yui gazed down at the ground. “I thought the red clothes and the wigs would please you.”

“How would that please me?”

“We can be Chanel if you would just let us.”

“You cannot. Never say that again!”

“Let us please you, Mountain Master.”

“Yesterday, I told you what would please me.”

“Yes, but then Aunt Min thought you needed to be serviced while in Glory—”

“There will never be a day when Aunt Min decides when and what happens to my cock!” I growled. “Pack up your things along with the others and leave! Now!”

Ming Yui put her gaze on Monique. “Is she your prisoner?”

All-encompassing rage bubbled inside of me.

Loudly clearing his throat, Chen stepped forward. “Duck, show Lei where his suite is. I will deal with. . .everything else.”

I slowly turned to Chen. “Make sure they are far fucking away from me.”

“I will.”

“And tell them all that they are never to dress like Chanel again.”

Chen bobbed his head. “Those were my thoughts exactly.”

I shook with rage. “And Chen?”


“Get me a movie. The title is the Caretaker. Apparently, it’s a slasher.”

Chen raised one eyebrow. “But you hate horror.”

“I want to see it this evening.”

Chen held out his hands. “This evening?”

“Yes.” Sneering at Ming Yui, I guided Monique forward.

What is wrong with her? Why does she never understand the words coming out of my mouth?

I stormed off, picking up the pace.

And she wonders why I don’t want to sleep with her. She’s fucking impossible!

I checked Monique and realized that she was having a difficult time keeping up with me. A few times she stumbled.

Damn it.

I slowed down. “Sorry.”

“Oh no.” Monique gave me an odd look. “That’s fine.”

We continued forward.

Every few steps, Monique glanced my way.

Duck took the lead a few feet ahead of us, whistling a tune. That told me he was a bit uneasy.

I should not have yelled at Ming Yui. I’m fucking unraveling in front of everyone. I must get it together.

Tension gathered in my shoulders.

Even more, I could feel Monique’s curiosity each time she gave me a glance.

