You Are Mine (The Lycans #2) Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: The Lycans Series by Jenika Snow

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 78879 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 394(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

They too were vampires, blood relation to the fucker holding my Ainslee. They flanked Adryan, not as big as the bastard, but looking just as sinister. And the whole time, I kept my eyes locked with the vampire’s, the same as he did with me.

He opened his arms and held them out wide, that fucking grin back in place. “Ainslee, love, we’ve come to take you home to your mother. She’s worried.”

Ainslee’s eyes widened, and she spun on her heel to face off with the vampire who was twice her height and three times her weight. “I’ve already spoken with her. Things are fine. We are meeting with them all tomorrow. There isn’t any need for you to be here.”

He looked down at her, and it was hard to read what he thought about from his expression.

“And they didn’t even tell me you’d come to Scotland… or that you were tracking me.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and I could practically see my little mate glaring at him. “Which tells me you are here without the approval or knowledge of my father and the MacCallan clan.”

A muscle in Adryan’s jaw ticked, and every part of me wanted to pull Ainslee back and shove her behind me. But any sudden movements would trigger an instant attack, so I held my ground, even though my wolf roared it was wrong, that we needed to get to our female.

“Your father’s balls are wrapped too tightly inside his mate’s fist.” The other two vampires who flanked him started chuckling. “She’s my sister, and I love her, but she controls your father too much. And she and her children will always be a priority to me. No fucking clan tells a Darris, least of all the leader of the American Vampire Clan, what I can and can’t fucking do.” His voice seethed with authority and rage, and his focus was directed right at me.

Good, let him channel it toward me and away from my little mate.

“He’s lost perspective on what needs to be done. It’s a good thing I came when I did, or shit really would have hit the fan.” Adryan took a step back just as the other two males took one forward. And before I knew what they planned, one of the males had a hold of my female, tossed her over his shoulder, and was racing toward the tree line. That was the thing about vampires—they had supernatural speed, were even faster than a Lycan if needed, and that fucker was nothing more than a blur of motion as he took my mate from me.

I roared, my wolf bursting forth before I could stop him. Adryan chuckled and rolled his head around his neck, cracking it and clearly getting ready for the fight. The other male vampire charged forward, no doubt a distraction. I charged at the same time, ramming my wolf’s head against his stomach and causing him to fly backward.

“Kane, go with Sebastian now,” Adryan gritted out. “I’ll take care of the wolf. It’s been a while since I took down one of his kind.”

I roared again as the one named Kane left, another flash of color and motion before I sensed he was gone.

I crouched, snarled, and bared my fangs, and then we both attacked at the same time. This vampire must not realize how powerful a Lycan was when it concerned protecting his mate. And I was about to show him I wasn't like most. I was worse.

No one would take my mate from me. She was mine, and if that meant I had to kill her uncle to get her back… so fucking be it.



I fought with everything in me. Kicking. Scratching. Biting. I screamed, heard Luca roar in response, but I knew my mate was in a brutal fight with Adryan, and it was up to me to handle my situation.

I had to take care of myself. I had to fight for myself.

I wanted Luca desperately, wanted to feel his arms around me, his lips as he rained down kisses on me, telling me everything would be okay.

But it wouldn’t be.

I had to do something to stop this. I had to fight back and end this war.

I’m sick of everyone making decisions about my life. It’s time to take a stand.

“Let go of me!” I screamed, feeling my anger grow and grow until I was suffocating from it.

“Easy, girl,” Sebastian gritted, and I responded by raking my nails down his arms. I didn’t care if I drew blood. I want to. I wanted him to feel the pain I felt.

He grunted, and his hold loosened slightly, just enough for me to twist and bring my foot down to kick him where it counted.

“Christ,” he bellowed and dropped me as he cupped his crotch, his eyes trained on me and narrowed. “When the hell did you get violent, you fucking she-devil.”

