War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

Siren is . . . I don’t even understand what she is to me, but when she’s in my bed, wrapped in my arms, my heart races so fast that I fear it could explode. It’s more than just a fierce type of lust. I’ve lusted over women more than I care to admit, and it never lasts long, and it sure as fuck doesn’t get stronger after I’ve already had what I wanted from her.

This is more, and it’s scaring the fuck out of me because I know that when the time comes to end her life, I’m not going to have the strength to do it. Nor is Shadow, for that matter. The two of them have become closer over these past few days. They’re inseparable, and I can’t help but feel that Siren has taken on a motherly role with her.

The two of them went shopping on my dime to replenish the things Siren lost during the fire, and it was almost comical to watch them both fawn over all the bullshit they bought. They’re like two peas in a pod, and they don’t even realize it. They bought a bunch of clothes and makeup, and while Siren wasn’t able to find her usual style of clothing in the limited stores on offer in Blue Springs, it’ll do. But what really thawed my cold heart was watching the two of them loot all the weapons of the contenders who didn’t make it. It was like two kids on Halloween returning home with all their candy.

True to her word, Shadow has stayed with us. She stays with Siren during the day, and after helping Siren with dinner, she ventures out in the early evening to do whatever the fuck she feels needs to be done. But she’s always back by ten or eleven and takes her ass to bed. We truly are some kind of dysfunctional family, and I’m finding that I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just like Siren and Shadow, none of us have ever experienced what family life is like, and I find myself clinging to it. But truth be told, I’m terrified of losing it.

Siren is still shaken after the fire, but she hasn’t let it bring her down. If anything, it lit a spark under her ass to get back out there and show these fuckers that she can’t be messed with. After the fire, we were hoping that War Games would announce her death, which would have given Siren one hell of an edge in these games, but when her name didn’t appear in the update, we came to the realization that the higher powers of War Games are more connected than we really knew.

She spent the last few days tracking the remaining five contenders, but the majority of her attention has been focused on Gasoline. After watching the psychotic redhead closely, it became abundantly clear that she’s somehow created an alliance with the brothers. It’s not ideal, and it makes them an even bigger threat, but in reality, when three morons get together to plan shit, it doesn’t necessarily mean what they come up with is going to be particularly effective. Either way, we need to keep vigilant, and now that the three of us are living under one roof, it makes us a bigger target—one I hope the others are too intimidated by to even attempt to take us down.

Today’s focus—The Executioner.

The guy is an ex-cop, and he moves like one too. I’m surprised he hasn’t been targeted at this point in the competition yet. He seems to be . . . lacking. Everything about him is obvious, and even as he makes his way toward the massive lake, he seems to walk with his chest puffed out and a stick up his ass. The fucker has no idea how to be discreet or blend in and become invisible.

I’ve been tracking him for the better part of the morning, getting a feel for who he is and what his day looks like, and to be painfully honest, the guy is fucking boring. There’s not a remarkable thing about him. Just another ex-cop who wanted to experience the thrill of being the bad guy.

From the research I did, his kills are all executioner style, and as for his victims, there’s not a damn connection between them. He has a god complex and targets men and women who he believes need to be taught a lesson, but today, his bullshit is coming to an end. I don’t particularly like making kills in broad daylight, but Blue Springs has been particularly quiet today.

Perhaps it’s the statement the FBI put out last night, warning the residents about the killers on the loose. Everybody is staying in, keeping themselves safe, but truth be told, they’re the safest ones here. None of us care to make a problem with the residents, that’s not our purpose, and honestly, making sure they’re locked in their homes is nothing but a benefit for the rest of us.

