War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

Feeling my heart swell in my chest, I go to get back to work when Kienna pulls me back, throwing her arms around my neck and pushing up onto her tippy toes to kiss me. “We’re free, Nick,” she says. “We’re the family we were always meant to be. We can have a home. We can go back to work, do all the things we love, and check in on Eagle’s sister like I promised. We can even get one of those stupid picket-fence houses and a golden retriever puppy and call her Tinkerbell. We can have it all. Just you, me, and Shadow.”

A throat clears in our ears and Kienna rolls her eyes. “You, too, Mila.”

“Thank you. A little recognition every now and then would go a long way,” she murmurs as I lock my arms tighter around Kienna, unable to look away from those gorgeous green eyes as the idea of the life we’re about to have truly sinks in. I could marry her. It’d have to be under a false name, but I could give her that if she wanted. I could give her a baby, or seven, but for now, I’ll stick with simply giving her my everything just as she’s given me.

“Do you mind?” Kienna says to her best friend. “I’m trying to have a romantic moment with my man.”

“Ugh. Gross,” Shadow mutters from behind us.

“Yeah, I’m with Shadow,” Mila says. “You two are gross. But I can take the hint. I’m logging out before I catch whatever disease came and turned you both into the romantic type. See your asses back in Seattle.”

There’s a soft beep in the earpiece, letting me know it’s offline, and I pull it out of my ear before slipping the tiny piece of tech into my pocket and getting back to my girl. “Where were we?” I murmur, a grin playing on my lips.

“You were about to start making out like horny teenagers like you always do,” Shadow mutters.

“Damn straight we were,” Kienna says as a wide smile cuts across her face, and not a second later, I scoop her up into my arms and bring my lips down on hers.

