War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

“There’s someone there.”

He inches away from me, giving us both space to prepare ourselves in case this turns into a fight. I see the flash again, but it’s not so much of a flash but a shadow moving through the darkness, and without question, I know exactly who it is.

“It’s Shadow,” I call out, already breaking into a sprint.

“Fuck,” Reaper grunts, heavy on my tail. “You hurt her, and I’ll have no fucking choice but to take you out.”

“Who the fuck do you think I am?” I call back at him while keeping my sharp gaze locked on the shadow moving through the darkness. “She’s a kid. As if I would ever hurt her.”

“Alright. Let’s get this little ghost.”

I push myself faster, not taking my eyes off her for one second, and when she darts down behind the back of the hotel, I follow right behind her with Reaper taking off in the opposite direction.

Determination pushes me faster. I’ve been so concerned about this kid, desperate to know who she is and where she came from. Fuck, I just need to know if she has food and water and somewhere safe to sleep at night, but tracking her has been impossible. She’s a literal ghost. She doesn’t exist anywhere, which leaves me with a million questions.

Following her around the back of the hotel, I’m only a few steps behind when Reaper steps out in front of her, blocking her only escape and bringing her to an immediate stop.

She panics, her terrified gaze flicking between me and Reaper. She’s got nowhere to go, nowhere to run, and as she mainly focuses her attention on me, I realize that I’m the one she’s scared of, not Reaper.

“She’s not going to hurt you, kid. She just wants to make sure you’re doing alright.”

Shadow visibly swallows, her terrified gaze morphing into nothing more than uncertainty as she stares back at me. There’s nothing but silence around us, and I wait, not moving an inch as I allow Shadow to come to the decision on her own if she’s willing to trust me.

Then, in the blink of an eye, her body relaxes, and she glances back toward Reaper. “I’m hungry,” she murmurs, her tone so soft that it throws me off. I had expected her to have an edge, a type of disdain in her tone that warns people to keep away. But there’s nothing like that. She’s just a girl, out here in the big, wide world, terrified of this mess she’s been thrown into.

Reaper nods and steps toward her before ushering her closer to me. “Alright then,” he says. “Let’s get you fed.”



Walking back into the hotel restaurant with Shadow in front and Siren at my side, a strange sense of contentment comes over me. It’s something I’ve never felt before and something I can’t even begin to understand, but before I get the chance to question it, the waiter who so painstakingly took our orders earlier steps out of the kitchen.

“No,” he gasps in terror, the sound so subtle, and yet somehow it’s capable of drawing the attention of the whole room.

I resist the urge to smile. A man like this would never survive in my world. He’d be the first to go on principle alone. When Siren and I left barely ten minutes ago, he was thrilled. I could see the relief in his eyes as we walked out the door. It’s as though he held his breath the whole time we were here, and now that we’re back, he looks about ready to shit his pants.

We continue striding through the restaurant, and as we approach him, I pause, placing a hand on Shadow’s shoulder, bringing her up short. “Let me make this clear,” I tell the waiter. “My friends and I are going to go and sit down at a private booth, and in exactly three minutes, you are going to come to our table with a glass of wine for the lady, and a burger for the kid. Is that understood?”

The bottom half of his jaw begins to chatter, and I have no doubt that he’s remembering exactly what was overheard before. It’s no secret to the locals of Blue Springs that something has been going down in their town. The multiple deaths, the unusual police presence, and the sense of unease they get when they step foot outside their doors. Their town isn’t safe, and he knows it.

“Y—yes,” he stumbles out, his gaze dropping to Shadow. “A burger, Miss?”

Shadow glances at me for a second before turning her gaze back to the waiter. “Can I have a soda as well?”

“Of course,” he says, trying his hardest to look cheerful. “Coming right up.”

The waiter scurries off, and we continue through the restaurant, weaving through the busy tables. “Seriously?” Siren says beside me, her words barely audible. “The guy is already terrified of us. Was that really necessary?”

