Velvet Midnight – The Gold Brothers Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 65346 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

“Are you kidding me?” Maverick looked insulted. “I would have told you to jump right off that ledge, headfirst.”


“Yeah, Rex, I would have told you to follow your heart. If I wanted anyone with my brother, I’d want someone who I knew I could trust my life in their hands with. That’s you.”

“So you aren’t pissed off?”

“Nah,” he said, waving it off. “For what? As long as you two are happy, that’s really all I care about. Just don’t put me in the middle of any arguments. I don’t do well with that.”

I chuckled, the sound surprising me. “I won’t…”

“It’s going to be all right, Rex. You and Benj are going to be a power couple, taking over the world one day at a time.”

“I hope so… I just wish I was better for your brother. He’s smart and fit and funny, and I’m here dealing with a scandal the size of my fucking waistband.”

“Stop shitting on yourself, Rex. Stop.” If he could have reached through the phone screen to shake me, I’m sure he would have. “You’ve always been a bigger guy, and there’s absolutely fucking zero that’s wrong about that. Plenty of people would say the complete opposite, are you kidding me? Walk into any gay bar in a leather harness and a leather hat and you’d walk out with an entire concubine of bear-chasing gay guys. And the guys Benji’s talked to in the past always had your body type, so clearly you’re his type.”

More laughter rose inside me, riding a wave of relief.

“It does feel like that.”

“I’m sure it does.” Maverick shot me some side-eye before smiling. “Benji can help you get through this, not the opposite. Trust him, and trust me when I say you’re going to get through this. Stay hopeful, all right?”

I nodded, the spark of hope catching inside my chest. The world didn’t seem as dark and heavy as it had before I picked up my best friend’s call. The spiral slowed, stabilized. I could see a way out of this.

“Plus, there won’t be any more threats,” Mav said. “That’s a bright side, isn’t it?”

“It is, it is.” I opened the bathroom door, getting hit with a draft from the open window in the hall. “I wish I knew the fucker behind this shit, though.”

“Theo’s still on the case, don’t worry. He’s not quitting until someone can be charged and prosecuted for this monstrous bullshit.”

Again, more hope. It pushed away the images that flashed through my head.

A city penthouse. Twinkling lights. Three naked bodies.

“I just want this to be over with.”

“I know, Rex. I know.” An empathetic sadness cross through Mav’s golden eyes. “It will be. Go hang out with Benji. Turn your phone off and forget about the rest of the world for now.”

That was good advice, although it sounded much easier than I knew it would be. I gave an approving grunt. “I’ll try,” I said, already thinking about what my mom would say if she were alive right now. I knew she’d take me into her arms and tell me that it would all be all right. She loved to say “challenges are only opportunities for growth, Rex. A forest always grows greener after a fire,” and she’d give me a kiss on the forehead. A magical kiss, one that took an eraser to all of my problems, making everything seem so small and inconsequential.

“All right,” I said, gathering myself. “I should probably head back out, then. I don’t want to worry Benji.”

“And you already know he’s probably nervously talking my moms’ ears off. Go. Rescue all three of them.”

Another laugh, and, like a rainbow after the rain, a smile. “Thanks, Mav. For everything.” I choked on the word, emotion catching in my throat. “I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you.”

“You’ve got my back, and I’ve got yours. Simple as that.”

“Simple as that.”

We hung up and my mood felt noticeably lifted. A heavy, pregnant cloud still hung over my head, that much was sure. And I still had to deal with the fallout from this tape, which would take months, if not years to sort out. I didn’t even want to think about the prospects of now pursuing a career in politics, seeing as how that was effectively shot dead with this tape.

But… still. There was hope. And maybe this was all me blowing it up in my own head. Maybe people wouldn’t care as much as I assumed they would. We lived in progressive times—maybe this wouldn’t be as much of a blow as I thought it was.

A blow.

Ha. Ha.

I left the bathroom, deciding that Maverick’s plan really did sound like the best way to handle this. The Christmas decorations that transformed the living room into a winter wonderland helped make things feel a little bit brighter. I went to turn off my phone, ready to stuff it in a drawer and forget about it, when it started to ring.

