Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hotshots Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“How’s it going?” Towel around his neck, Brandt poked his head into Jewel’s room where Shane was pacing with her. Damn. The man looked downright edible damp, face glistening, chest muscles flexing under a thin white sleeveless T-shirt, strong legs in loose shorts.

“So much for that thought of yours from earlier.” Shane spared him an appreciative look before the baby squawked again. “Or sleep.”

“Switch.” Not waiting for Shane to agree, Brandt held out his hands. “Let me try the rocking chair.”

Groaning, Shane handed her over if only so he could stretch his back. “I tried that, but she wakes back up as soon as she hits the crib. Patting her back in the crib works too, but she cries as soon as I stop.”

“New plan. You sing. I’ll pat. Then you sneak away first, then me.” Brandt nodded decisively, a glimpse into how he probably was in the field. Cool head, quick decisions, not afraid to think outside the box for solutions.

“Like a stealth mission?”

“Hey, whatever works, right?” Brandt shrugged as he swayed with Jewel.

“Okay. But no more goofy songs. Those wake her up.” Strangely, he was more self-conscious singing an old favorite than the kid songs. He had to start with humming, warm up to forgetting that Brandt was right there, and sing like he did when it was only him and Jewel. But then he fell into the familiar song about a tired singer, notes falling easily now as Brandt lowered the drowsy baby to the crib, patting her back. He kept singing, that song fading into another, softer now as the baby’s eyes finally fluttered shut and stayed that way.

Still singing, he crept from the room, staying in the hallway to finish the song. Right as he hit the ending notes, Brandt tiptoed out of the room, triumphant look on his face.

“It worked.” Shane smiled at him. The hallway was dark and seemed narrower than usual with Brandt right there in front of him, smiling mouth and intense eyes and all those acres of muscles, right there.

“Yeah, it did.” Licking his lips, Brandt backed Shane against the wall. “You tired?”

“No,” Shane whispered, voice hoarse from singing and from want, sheer overwhelming want.

“Good. ’Cause I had this idea in the shower...”

“Yeah?” Shane gave in and pulled Brandt the rest of the way against him, thigh to thigh, chests brushing, warmth unspooling in his gut. “What’s that?”

“You seemed to dig the idea of seeing my toy collection. Maybe you’d want to see me show off which ones I like?”

“Yeah.” Shane could barely manage an articulate noise as warmth turned to heat turned to fiery lust. “Show me.”

Chapter Fourteen

Brandt had been willing to pray to whatever sleep gods governed two-month-olds, he was that desperate to get a chance to be alone with Shane before they both passed out from exhaustion. Thankfully, his idea had worked, maybe a little too well because the ache lingered from listening to Shane sing sad, sleepy songs. He could still hear that perfect baritone as he led Shane down the hall toward his bedroom. A cappella, no guitar, no band, only the same strong, clear voice Shane had used for the silly songs, but stripped down to pure emotion. Old tunes, but new feelings in Brandt, ones he didn’t know how to cope with.

But he did know how to kiss Shane, how to push him against the hall wall, not even waiting for his room or a bed to kiss him hard. All those strange, new feelings wiggled their way into the kiss. Raw. That was what Shane had called country music and raw was exactly how Brandt felt, like a scrape he couldn’t reach. Vulnerable in a way he didn’t like much.

What he did like though was Shane’s mouth under his, hot and willing. Shane tasted like cookies, almost too sweet, the way he pulled Brandt in, met him kiss for kiss. He’d let Brandt plunder his mouth before returning the favor, a give and take that left them both breathless and clinging to each other.

“Been wanting to do that all day.” Brandt rested his head against Shane’s, not willing to move away, even to catch his breath.

“Me too.” Shane found his mouth for another kiss, this one more aggressive as he took control of Brandt’s mouth.

“Damn.” Moaning, Brandt started a slow grind against Shane that only revved him up further.

“Fuck.” Laughing low, Shane stilled Brandt’s hips with a firm grip. “Are we getting off in the hall here or are you going to make good on that promise?”

“Oh, I can make good.” Brandt captured his hand and dragged him the rest of the way to his bedroom.

“I bet you can.” Shane moved like he was going to steal another kiss, then broke away to chuckle and point at the bed. “Hopeful much or do you always leave your toys around?”

